The "Quarrentined" RPG

Mac smiled slightly, "" She didn't know what to say, "I guess you'll have alot of free time scince there's no class, or you'll just be bored," like me, she thought.
She put it on and as the music filled the room Amanda began to move with the tune. She grdually danced over to Austin. "Care to join me?" she asked reaching her hand out.

occ. Shes like the outgoing and he's the shy :p lolz

ic: He stood up and took her hand, walking turds the center and beginning to dance...

occ: slow or fast music?
ooc:Haha yeah! Err either. Lets say it starts off fast then grdually gets slower :p

ic: She smiled as she danced with him as the music gradually began to get slower.
"Hi" she said to the reciever.
"I'm kinda busy right now..." for a moment she closed her eyes as she felt the room spin.
"Yes I'm still here but I've got to go"......................."yeah I'll tell you later bye" she quickly said closing it.
"Housemate...." she said smiling as she ran her hand through her hair.