The "Quarrentined" RPG

ooc: ok

ic: Tristan woke up and sighed. He didn't want to go to school today, but it did not matter. After rolling out of bed, he jumped into the shower, out and got ready hurriedly. He had a project to present in his first class, and if he was late...oh he didn't want to think about it.
After getting ready, he grabbed his project and ran to his class, his hair set askew from the wind and humidity.
Sheplaced her neckalse on and pulled her heels on. She stood infront of the mirror for a few seconds. She smiled happily at her appearance before spraying some perfume on and grabbing her bag and heading downstairs.

"Ding, dong!.." rang her doorbell, Austin was standing in her front door with some roses he was hiding in his back and 8 and three minutes...
ooc: tess, ur banner. i love it!!

ic: Tristan ran into Mac on accident. "Oh my bad." he breathed, picking up his belongings and helping her up. He wiped his hands on his pants and continued. "I'm Tristan." he glanced at his watch nervously.
ooc: tess, ur banner. i love it!!

ic: Tristan ran into Mac on accident. "Oh my bad." he breathed, picking up his belongings and helping her up. He wiped his hands on his pants and continued. "I'm Tristan." he glanced at his watch nervously.

ooc. thanks :D

ic. "I'm Mac," she said, "late for class?"
occ: did u read the first post? polly and tess? :D they wont go to school either work for whole week, reason, on the first post.

She quickly checked herself in the mirror before opening the door. "Hey" she said innocently as the door opened.

He brough the roses to the front..."U're looking beautifull.." He smiled
She gasped surprised. "Austin you shouldnt have" she said smiling taking the roses. "Thanks. You're not looking too sharp yourself. I'll put these in a vase" she said gesturing for him to enter while she did so.
ooc: ha. my bad, Tristan doesn't know. :D

ic: Tristan nodded, laughing shakily. "I have a project due today, but surprisingly, i haven't seen alot of people on campus lately. Huge line at the infirmary all the time, but otherwise, it's completely bare." he looked around and gestured to the campus. "So anyways, I'm just happy someone else is "normal" and walking around campus like me. Sorry, I'm rambling aren't I?" he blushed and smiled sheepishly, looking at his wet shoes.
Mac smiled, " a little, but that's ok. And I dont think you have class, ther was some sort of accedent and a lot of streets are quarrentiend."
She placed the roses in a vase and put them on the tble in the lounge. "Thanks, it'll do for now." she replied standing infront of him. "So shall we go?" she asked grabbing her bag again. "I'm starving" she added laughing a little.

ic: She laughed "I dont think hes going to like me very much then" she replied smiling as she folded her arms to as the wind blew.