The River (6 Spaces): Plot Thread

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Shrugging off her worry of Sterling not trusting Kayla nd Ava, she says "Interesting way of putting it." she says to his comment of 'Us aginst the world'.
"Midnight and I always said 'We may seem alone but never far is the one who loves more than any, keeping us safe.' Its from something my mother used to sing to us:

'I may seem far away
But even if I am
He is never far
To watch out for you
And keep you safe
He is kind and great
So even when I'm far
My little one
Never doubt
We may seem alone
But never far is the one
Who loves more than any
Keeping us safe
Safe from evil
Safe from horror and despair
So as long as you have Him
You are Never alone.

I always think of that when I get scared. I know I always have someone watching over me, keeping me safe."

Sterling smiles softly, listening to the song. “It’s pretty, that’s for sure. Mama was more of a storyteller then a singer, and Papa couldn’t sing for his supper if he tried,” he chuckles, his eyes dancing.

“It’s good to know that someone’s always near you. And now, you have me, right? So someone obviously is watching over you, because they sent me to you. Or maybe...they’re watching over me. I don’t know.”

Smiling Flower said "He watches everyone. He knows every tree, wolf, fox, even us kittens he watches."

Sighing she said "Mother told us stories too... Long ago... I never new my father. I asked Misty, my oldest brother, once and he said 'Flower lil girl that ain't somethin a kit so small 's you should know.' Misty took on head-of-the-house since we didn't have a father. I grew up with Misty's answer in my head, but when this venture's over I'm gonna go loking for my father." she said it defiantly but she thought,

'If you live that long.'

“I’m sorry you never knew your Papa. I wish I could help with that, but I don’t know how. I haven’t seen any other cats but you, actually. But maybe I can help?” He has the resources at the castle, he knows he can help her find her father, or find out if her father’s dead. But before he can do that, he has to gain her trust, and get her onto the right side.

“Unfortunately we’re hardly kittens anymore, are we? With everything that’s changing. . .”

Flower nodded. She new what he meant. Their time here, being just kittens, was limited.

'I've gown so much in a day. From a sleepy kitten emerging from her den, to a warrior of a cat.'

She remebered another thing her mother had told her, ' Be bold and strong Don't be afriad. He is with you...'

Suddenly Flower asks a completly un-called for question, "So what do you think of the witch?"

'I can't believe you said that!' screamed her brain. Nevertheless she waited for an answer.

He starts, looking at her with wide eyes. His heart is beating very quickly, and although he knows that he has given nothing away, this is his first chance. He doesn’t want to lie unless he expressly has to, or she might not trust him later. This needs to be handled as delicately as possible.

“I...” he hesitates, trying to gather his thoughts. This is his first challenge he really has been given as a spy. He takes a deep breath. “I don’t rightly know. I mean. . .where is He? He’s left us it seems like, and I don’t want to die. I don’t . . .” he trails off momentarily before pushing on. “What about you though? I mean, we’ve only heard rumors about Her it seems, and I don’t know what to believe.”

"Well... As far as I can tell...Well..." she thinks carefully then says, "The Witch has never caused me anything but pain and... And Aslan has only ever helped me. The witch is... She does wrong. I don't know if I could ever forgive her if she's... Done in with my family... I've never been sure about either side... Midnight and mother always believed so strongly in Him, I-I never doubted. But now... Now I must have Trust."

"So do...Do you believe in Aslan too? I mean the witch, she's killed all your family and some of mine but Aslan... Can help us, he's helped me before..." she waits, trying to adress the matter as well as she can, and finds herself sounding a bit like her brother Midnight...

Sterling makes a face, looking unsure. “He. . . well shouldn’t he be here by now if he cares about us? If She’s really as bad as everyone’s saying, then He should be helping us, right? I mean...what wrong did we do that He’s left us? What if She can offer us protection? The rumors say that she’s bad, but maybe She isn’t as bad as we all think. What if She hasn’t hurt your family? Or maybe I’m wrong about mine. . .I don’t know. But I don’t think we should make any decisions until we know the facts. That’s what Papa always said, right?”

Flower stiffened, "Mother and Midnight always said..." she begins then relizes something,

'I'm not them. This is my decision...Not theirs.'

"I-... My brothers left about two months ago. They promised to be back by the time Mid and I left but they weren't... They never broke their promises. Mother cried so much... We- we left just to get away from the sadness... A bird had told mama something... Susa had heard some of what it said and told us. It said, 'Ma'm I'm sorry to say your eldest sons they a, won't be comin' back. They went to, /her/ house with a couple others an' was real bad... Ye may not want me to tell ye the details though with er lil one so close.'
Then mother told Susa to leave..." she hung her head, then continued her voice quavering, "I-I was so scared... For awhile I thought they'd come back but... But they never did."

"Aslan on the other paw, is the only one who seems to care. The witch wasn't always here you know, Sterling. My first few months were spent before winter set in. It was beautiful, Sterling, beautiful. The leaves fall off trees , you know? They aren't always like this. Thats what Aslan did. He made it beautiful. He still is whatchin' us. You're livin' proof of that! If Aslan wasn't whatching over us I betcha you'd be dead now, with your brothers and family."

He shakes his head. “Maybe, maybe, maybe. Maybe He made all that beauty, but I’ve never known it. And maybe He’s abandoned us, maybe he hasn’t. But shouldn’t we treat everything with a grain of salt, until we know the truth? I mean, you only heard that they went to her house...maybe...” he brightens. “Maybe they’re okay! I mean maybe she didn’t hurt them, and they just like living with her because she gives food or something. You said yourself that we gotta be careful who we trust...”

He sighs. “No, Aslan didn’t keep me safe, my brother did. He’s the one who kept me safe.” He nuzzles her again, lending his support. “Don’t worry, we’ll find the truth.”

Flower stares at the kitten. Everything she has ever known is being challenged, and by who? A kitten only about half her age.

"Who says the witch can be trusted then? If I can't trust Aslan, I can't trust the witch any more than I can trust Him." she contradicted.

He nods. She’s making sense out of everything now, just likes he wants her to. “That’s what I mean. Maybe we shouldn’t trust either of them until we get some proof, right? Because we don’t want to get into trouble for believing rumors either way, right?”

A tinge of caution leaps up in her mind, but Flower quickly dissmised it.

'What he says makes sense. Aslan may not have abandoned us but He's not doing anything it seems.'

"Right." said Flower "Facts. I should have thought of that. I never was one to really think things through, though." she suddenly decides on something, "Maybe we should travel alone, to find out about things and tell the others latter. They want to go down south. Acusing the witch of it all without proof..." Suddenly she remebers something,

Onyx and Agate.

'Onyx was captured by /her/! And Agate went after him! I must find them!'

Shivering she says "I know how to find facts. Go to the witch's house. She took two of my friends there. If they still remain we can ask them whether the witch is evil or if she can be trusted... If its alright with you of course."

Sterling brightens at the idea of traveling alone, but he’s also supposed to gather information. He already knows that the wolf is a deserter, and that she’s traveling with at least a white fox. But at the same time, Flower isn’t ready to go to the castle yet. Not yet anyway. Traveling alone might make things easier, and he can learn about where the resistance is going without seeming sneaky. But if they go to the castle now, she’ll get turned to stone or something. He doesn’t want that.

“I don’t know...I don’t think we should go to Her home yet, not till we’re sure of a few more things, you know? Traveling alone, maybe we should...Where are your friends going?”

OOC: If he takes her to the castle right now she’ll get turned to stone. So that’s not possible yet.

OOC: Flower doesn't know she'll be turned to stone since Sterling is, manipulating her.

IC: Flower wonders if she should directly adress the subject of resistance.

'He may want to join, but yet... Who's right and who's wrong? I don't know anymore.' then a sense of longing takes over.

"Midnight I sure wish you were here."

It takes her a moment to relize she has just said her thoughts of Midnight out-loud. When she does, her ears turn bright red, her equivelent of blushing.

When she regains the ability to speak she says, "We should travel alone for awhile I suppose..." she suddenly remebers her friends, saying they'd help her...To find the one thing she truly wants and needs...

Her family.

Tears form in her green eyes.
'Eyes to match the greenest grass.' Her brother, Marble, once told her.

"You are never alone..." she mutters.

Lifting her head, tears still in her eyes, she says, "If we leave alone we leave now. If you are willing to follow then do." she tensed, ready to spring out of the clearing, yet she waits for Sterling's response.

Sterling shrugs and nods. He’s doing well, manipulating the way she thinks. Being alone with her means that she’ll grow to trust him more, which is wonderful for him. “Fine, lets go then. We can figure this out for ourselves. After all, I have your back and you have mine.”

He seems hesitant for a moment before moving to lick her nose in what some might consider a kiss before bouncing away. “Which way are we going?”

Alowing Sterling to kiss her nose, she thinks it merely the same as when her sibblings did it. As respect and a pledge of honor.

'Flower you've never been outside the Waste! This /is/ stupid.' sighing she says,

"I will alert the others to our leave first," she said, just before she lets out three ear-spliting yowls.

"We will go south first to my family's old home. Then we will turn east with whoever we pick up from my home."

Sterling shrugs, ready to be moving again already. "All right, I guess that works. Will...will your friends chase after us?" he asks, thinking of the human, and the wolf, and the fox.

Kayla, Ava, and the human...who's name escaped him at this moment. At least three members of the resistance, and by traveling, he could learn more, and still keep Flower safe. "Lets go."
Sterling chuckles and leaps after her, easily keeping pace, at least for now. He'll probably tire later in their journey, since she's older than he is.

"No problem. Lets go."
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