The River (6 Spaces): Plot Thread

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Drainor fell upon the ice of the River and stood up. He growled angrilly at Blackclaw. "Come and Fight! I don't fear week, pathetic, little pups like you!"

It swirls around with bored indignance, deciding to let Blackclaw handle the Werewolf since he appears so eager.
Drainor tried to swing at Spyros, when suddenly he heard a loud CRACK! The ice beneath him was beggining to crumble.
(#) Blackclaw (#)

Blackclaw saw the ice beginning to crack beneath Drainor. He knew his weight would be supported by the ice, but he had to be careful about where Drainor was standing so as not to have the ice crack on him.

"Well now half-breed, it seems you've gotten yourself into quite a mess now. Maybe you should come over here and show me how tough you really are!"
That did it. Drainor ran forward with all haste, filled with anger and rage. He lowered his head to knock over the wolf.
(#) Blackclaw (#)

Blackclaw watched the angered half-breed charge towards him. Thankfully, having four feet with claws helps a great deal when on the ice. Blackclaw watched the werewolf charge towards him knowing full well the werewolf would be off-balance and have a difficult time adjusting his charge, Blackclaw moved just out of the way of the werewolf's charge in time to turn and leap towards him in hopes of knocking him over and causing the ice to break underneath him.
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ooc: Thats the whole reason why I took the fight to the kill Drainor.

ic: Draninor evaded Blackclaw's attack and slid to the side. He laughed. "You'll have to do much better than that. I won't get killed so easily as if-" CRACK!!!! Suddenly the ice fell beneath Drainor and the werewolf fell into the cold dark waters, gasping for breath as he plunged deeper into the cold dark waters.
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(#) Blackclaw (#)

Blackclaw saw the ice cracking and ran as fast as he could towards the bank. He made it back to the bank in time to turn and see Drainor go down for the last time.

"Hmph. That cursed river stole my kill. Bah. At least the half-breed is gone. I should return to the castle and report this to her majesty."

It seems almost disappointed to see the fun over so soon.

Shall I go inform Her Majesty? I am faster than you.

"Yeah, you go do that. Not like you're good for much else. I'll make my way back to the castle soon enough. I thought I smelled a familiar scent on the way over here...."

Swirling above Blackclaw's head, it looks at him with pure disgust at the insult (an expression rather difficult to read in a cloud).

Oh, useless you think I am?

It's orbs stare at Blackclaw in a creepy, unblinking way for several moments, holding his gaze. A strange chant enters Blackclaw's thoughts and a weird light begins to form above Blackclaw's head, an eerie purplish flash of light. The spectre suddenly surrounds the Wolf and the light flashes a bright, brilliant blue before vanishing. It circles him and speaks in the Wolf's thoughts.

As you will see, I have some skill. No doubt you will provide much amusement when you speak. I look forward to your report to Her Majesty. I personally hope she says 'wolf' a lot. Seeing as a lot of her...minions are wolves, your chances are great. But now she'll have a unique one. A mooing wolf. Yes, you heard me. You'll now 'moo' in response to the word wolf. It snickers pettily.

Without another word-thought, it dissipates and vanishes.
"Bah. That accursed cloud thinks hes so smart. Well I may be able to outsmart him still. All I have to do is figure a way to prevent the queen from saying 'wolf' and I should be fine and that obnoxious floating gas cloud will just have to hover around and continue to be useless."
OOC: This may be interesting if he (Icefang) and Blackclaw find each other and have it out.
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Which is partially why I need to talk to Ephinie...more when I have it solidified.
After a few hours of running, Drainor finnally made it to the frozen river. Without hesitation, he quickly crossed it, and ran into the dark forest.
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