I have to say, I'm quite disappointed by it all. Now, I'm not saying this because everyone else isn't big fans of it anymore, it was more of the finale that did it for me. It left me with a lot to think about.
First of all: Amy's situation was very unreal. When she broke the news to everyone, they accepted it with... unnatural ease. I mean, if it had been me or anyone else I knew, I'd be kicked out of the house! A girl with such high moral standards as she had should have had way more of a harder time.
Also, Amy's family seemed to be a richer family than most 'regular' American homes today- I mean, the expenses of the baby were hardly discussed. They seemed to have it all under control... that's not really how it goes.
Second: They didn't address the issue enough. I mean, half of the time it wasn't even Amy we were seeing. It was everyone else's dirty lifestyle, and some parts of it, I had to admit, were pointless. I mean... that random bit in one of the episode with Amy's parents? And in the episodes now with Anne's boss? Come on... if you're going to address the issue, do it!
Third: The way they treat intimacy is NOT the correct way at all. The message they sent out was 'do it when you think you're ready, and be safe'. I'm a Christian, so I'm obviously against that. Besides, even non-Christians shouldn't do that because a fifteen year old might even think she's ready when she's not!
There's a lot more, but I'm not in a ranting mood. It's just... I don't know. I think I'll still watch the show, but not as avidly. If I miss an episode, who cares? I might eventually stop, anyway.
I watched this show firstly because I was curious about the lifestyles in a public high school (I go to private, and there's a possibility that I could switch). However, I think I got an unreal interpretation, so there's not much use anymore.
I don't think the show is worth much of anyone's time, unless they like drama-filled teen soap-operas.