The Servant and the Eye

"Well," Kara began, "the king was going to try to find the crystal eye..." Mar interrupted her, "what crystal eye," she asked. "It had been his mother's, it had been in his family for generations, after his mother used it to save the man she loved it disappeared." Mar was confused, "how did it save him." Kara smiled, "when Queen Mara, you're named after her, got the eye she was told that it would grant any one wish. But after you made your wish it would disappear, and it did. For the past hundred years people have been looking for it. When the King, Mara's son, heard about it he decided to look for it, he wanted to bring his wife back to life, but he never returned." Mar was quiet for a minute, "wow, so the eye is still missing."
no, she was in the house

"Yes, it was never found. But...." Kara trailed off, she heard horses, someone was coming. She stood up, "Mar go to your room." Mar stood up, she heard the horses too, "no, I want to see who it is." Kara glared at her, "no, Marlenna go," Kara said firmly. Mar sighed, "fine," she walked back to her room. Kara walked over to th door, she went out side. There were five men waiting for her. "Hello, can I do something for you," Kara asked. "Yes," the biggest man said, "you can give us the girl." Kara looked at the blankly, "what girl," she asked. "The girl that we know is here, are boss wants another wife, a young, beautiful one." Kara stared at him, "I don't know what you are talking about." He got off his horse and walked over to Kara, he drew his sword.
Mar was in her room watching, she wanted to run out and save her aunt. Mar covered her mouth as he stabbed Kara. Mar knew she was died. She looked around her room, Mar grabbed her jacket, and the letter Kara had given to her earlier that day. She climbed out her window and ran into the woods, to her horse.
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Mar rod as fast as she could, tears blurred her sight. They will pay for what they did, I'll hunt them down.But I'll need money, I need to get a job. I'll go to the palace. Mar turned and headed for the palace. She didn't deserve to die like that, what did she ever do. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Mar's thoughts depressed her even more, I will hunt down and kill those men, she decided finally.
Mar saw the castle in the distance, it blocked out the sun. She got closer, she could see the entrance. Mar pulled her horse to a stop. She dismounted and walked turds the entrance, with her horse behind her. Mar stopped in front of the door, she suddenly felt small. She tentatively knocked. The door was opened instantly by a lady with black hair. "What ya want," she demeaned. "I...I was looking for a job, ma'am," Mar said quietly. "A job ay, will, we might be able to find something for ya, maybe ya could was the ball room floor, ya that would work, there's a party ta night, da floor has to be clean." Mar nodded, her grammar is terrible, she mustn't know how to read, "yes ma'am." The lady looked at Mar's horse, "he can go the stable, my name's Elizabeth, what's yours." Mar smiled slightly, "Marlenna, where is the stable, I'll put Thunder there then get to work." Elizabeth eyed Mar suspiciously, "down there," she said, pointing to the right, "quiet a name you have." Mar nodded, "I'll take him down then," Mar said. "Kay, then meat me in the ball room, I'll have your bucket and scrubby." Mar nodded then walked down to the stable with Thunder.