The Wheel Of Time- Robert Jordan

eh, so whats happening, I can't really remember what happens in each book, ha ha. Its been so long ago since I've read em.

Wheel of time

/i read up to like the third or fourth book and I could not get into them much I thought they were a little boring the ones I did read were good but I just could not get into thetm they way I am into terry brooks Narnia hp etc
Awww thats a shame! They can be hard going at times, but its like a marathon - once you've finished you realise the stitches were well worth it!!
I'm rereading them at the moment and on the 5th.

I've thought that too George. It seems like Jordan has taken myths and stories from everywhere and created something out of them. I think it works really well though. Its almost as if the characters know similar stories to us, but then the stories become real - not in the fake way of a fairytale - but in a real life sort of sense. Its really great.


I've had a thought since rereading about Lord Luc in Shadow Rising, and the suggestion that he is Slayer. In the Wolf Dream he is pictured as a Malkieri Lord much like Lan, but it seems almost certain that he is infact Lord Luc who is auburn haired and very different looking. Now, this has made me think, could Lord Luc be Tigraine's brother!? He went up to the Borderlands after Tigraine ran off, and so would have come into contact with Malkieri and perhaps thought highly of them - hence is desire to look like them in Tel'Aran Rhiod. Also, we read that someone who looked 'nearly identical' to Tigraine killed Rand's father in the Aiel Waste - whuch would suggest that Tigraine's brother had done so, which in turn suggests he was starting to turn evil!?? What does anyone think...
So i'm going to move and i was in the library of my new town and there they were, so i read the first few pages, and i was like: :eek: this is good!

Now i just have to wait untill i'm a member before i can get them, but i'm so going to read them!
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You should - they're an awesome series of books and less than a year till the last one now!
I'm a member of that library now, and i got the first book (the eye of the world (not sure in English)), and started it, but i had to return it, because there were other things that i had to read first and i didn't have time to finish it, i only read a small part, it was quite nice, really exciting, but i got this i-don't-know-how-to-call-it-feeling while i was reading, and i think i have to read further to see why that is, and whether it's positive or not.

btw: welcome back, it's been a while since i've seen you around :)
Thanks lieke. I'm hoping to be her more often now I've got easy internet access!!

I'm afraid there's been some sad news. Robert Jordan the author of the series has died! He'd been suffering from an illness and it finally took him. It's a shame he never got to see the end of his book series.
Yeah, I read that today as well. Its a bummer. Though I hear he did finish the 12th book, but some think that even if that doesn't finish the series, that they will hire others to finish it for him as too many people are invested in the series to not get an ending.

Yeah, I read that today as well. Its a bummer. Though I hear he did finish the 12th book, but some think that even if that doesn't finish the series, that they will hire others to finish it for him as too many people are invested in the series to not get an ending.


Yeh, they've got like a team of writers on it. Jordan said that the last book wouldn't tie up all loose ends so there were gonna be more sequels after which I think will all be written too.

I wonder if there will be a noticeable change in style though...
I was very upset to hear about RJ's death..and just after i'd finished book 11 too!
Even though i haven't shown my face around here very much in these past months i thought i'd make a brief show..this was one of the first places i heard about the series so it seemed right.

Re the end of the series i've also heard that book 12 will be out but the publishing ate will be extended by quite a while- apparentl RJ was pretty diligent and kept writing for as long as he could, and gave all the necessary plot details to his wife and cousin so they can finish off what he started.

hope you guys are all well.xx i'll try not to leave it so long next time!
Woop! Rosy's come for a visit!

I wonder whether the publish date, which was next august, will be pushed back as a result...
Right I'm folding to the exterior pressure. :(

This is a very sad day because I am unstickying WoT because no-one cares about it except me and long gone members. It br3eaks my heart to do it, but it's hanging up the top there looking stupid. I will however continue to attempt to revive this thread and get it back where it should be!!!
Breaking all rules of thread etiquette ever invented I am now posting for a third time in a row, but I am desperate to find someone who likes this series. Now rosymole, sam, tg and holyboy don't come round here I need fresh blood... and they didn't talk about it that much when they were here!!
I am about to commit the greatest netiquette felony, quadroposting, but i don't care - i need to talk with someone about these books!!! Surely there must be one person among those 6,000 who is a fan!?!? *wails in grief* :(
I had the impression that they were rather a knock-off of The Lord of the Rings –


...what a waste of good tea. :(

*mops up thread* There. Now, what was I saying? Oh yes.

So, are they worth a read? I could use some more books – I'm running out.