The Wheel Of Time- Robert Jordan

Rosy- book 4! you've caught up with me. That is impressive going- WHB, I have a sneaky feeling you're going to be proved wrong. Great picture, by the way. Snape, what a guy.

On another note (and maybe someone's said this already), since I've found out that Robert Jordan is actually ill, maybe we should put a prayer thread up for him? Would that be appropriate? It just seems to me that since we like his books so much, and it sounds like he's going to have a pretty hellish time, it might be an idea.
You are kdding!!!!!!!!!! he s not really ill!?!?!?!

If we prayed for him, itd be like praying for rain during the Ashes in the summer!!!
eh? that really confused me...althgouh they are oth very very important!

Anyone know of any good WoT fansites? I've found a few but they all seen really serious..anything a bit more light hearted out there?
I can see an opening in the market for a new site here!... seems catchy! and if you type it in to a your address bar you find a couple that got married a couple of weeks ago..bizarre)
I'm on book 5!!!!! My beloved friend has given me 4-8, and one of them appears to be a first edition! It's abit battered..well very battered..but I'm so pleased!
It's a ll happening now!
Oh you fiend HB!

I won't re-stickiy I onl post in here to annoy WHB..Book 6 Jonny boy!!!

also, if anyone would be interested, I was thinking about perhaps starting a mini-silly fansite for WoT..someting less serious than current ones..??

That be well good Rosy - DO!!!!
Yo! I actually finished this book a couple weeks ago. I must say it got much cooler duruing the last couple hundred pages or so with the whole thing with *SPOILERS* Mat and Tuon, and Perrin and Faile.

Rand is still sort of out of the picture and not much was seen in this book of him. Maybe thats why I liked this one a little bit more. I just hope book 12 will finish it all. I'm just worried because Robert Jordan is going through therapy for his condition. I can't remember what it is called, but he looks like a kimo patient (sp?). So, the situation is that he may not live to finish the series, but he says he plans on doing it and is doing some pretty radical and innovative therapies to try and attack this sickness.


PS there is a site that is his blog, but i forget what the page is. Just search him out and you'll find it.
I'll certainly help rosybry!! If you need out email, PM or MSN!!! :D

Darn it - I cant believe the timster has caught me up *preorders Book 12 and books holiday off uni to prepare to beat him to finish*
I started reading this series about 20 years ago, when it was first out. I loved the first 3-4 books, after that I got bogged down and bored with it. It seemed like a soap opera. Does it ever pick up again?????
Geez Bry, you site needs a lot of help, ha ha.

Don't worry little hoglichboy. You will probably beat me when the next book comes out, if it ever does. This is due to the fact that I am a busy grownup, so the world thinks, honestly, I'm just playing World of Warcraft, ha ha.

echoscot said:
I started reading this series about 20 years ago, when it was first out. I loved the first 3-4 books, after that I got bogged down and bored with it. It seemed like a soap opera. Does it ever pick up again?????

You MUST carry on reading (might be best to start from the beginning again if it was 20 years ago!!!).

It does get very slow during books 4-6. I didn't enjoy it much then, but from 7 onwards its thrilling!!! Its a proper 'stick-at-it' kinda book.

I was wondering, would people mind if we started proper discussions in this thread. I ask only because, with only me and timmy who are up to date, i ddnt want people to see spoilers. We will obviously mark in big ***SPOILER*** whenever we say one, but would peeps like rosy mind???
You know what's sad? I have been reading book 4 for about a year now. Can not really get into it. Oh well, I have all summer :)
Hoggyboggyboy, don't you think we shouldn't care, considering, its four mods and one member that actually read this, lol. maybe even more mods, lol. I don't know about you, but I'm not scared of my fellow mods, lol.

holyboy666 said:
You know what's sad? I have been reading book 4 for about a year now. Can not really get into it. Oh well, I have all summer :)

KEEP READING!!! YOU HAVE TO!! WoT is like a marathon, the weak give up, but its more rewarding when you finish it. Just have to break through the pain barrier!

TimboG said:
Hoggyboggyboy, don't you think we shouldn't care, considering, its four mods and one member that actually read this, lol. maybe even more mods, lol. I don't know about you, but I'm not scared of my fellow mods, lol.


Too right. Plus the others are women and we can fight them off easily.


So, do you think Mat's gonna find Moirraine in the last book, and shes gonna come back in to it?