Tsukiko Active member Mar 5, 2008 #1,662 -noes...I finished vol. 5. -with no vol. 6 or more -im so depressed
Red Roses New member Mar 5, 2008 #1,663 1. People... =/ 2. Snow. *makes face* 3. So, what did I miss?
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 6, 2008 #1,665 Miss.SunFlower said: heartaches without a someone again Click to expand... Magsie chan!!!!! You are still young There will be someone waiting for you
Miss.SunFlower said: heartaches without a someone again Click to expand... Magsie chan!!!!! You are still young There will be someone waiting for you
Miss Freckles New member Mar 6, 2008 #1,666 ...you need that when you're her age i should be doing something else right now... oh well.
Miss.SunFlower New member Mar 6, 2008 #1,667 Mrs Gil-Galad Took said: Magsie chan!!!!! You are still young There will be someone waiting for you Click to expand... thankies nessa heart still hurts getting over it...slowly
Mrs Gil-Galad Took said: Magsie chan!!!!! You are still young There will be someone waiting for you Click to expand... thankies nessa heart still hurts getting over it...slowly
Lilith New member Mar 6, 2008 #1,670 1. earplugs =/ weirdnesss. pink things in mah earsssss. 2. jsdkgdfkgPLEAAAAAASE. 3. get bettahhh. nownownow.
1. earplugs =/ weirdnesss. pink things in mah earsssss. 2. jsdkgdfkgPLEAAAAAASE. 3. get bettahhh. nownownow.
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 6, 2008 #1,671 My ears are too small to carry earplugs Now I have a headphone with plugs but it's still too big Maybe I should pull my ears
My ears are too small to carry earplugs Now I have a headphone with plugs but it's still too big Maybe I should pull my ears
fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Mar 6, 2008 #1,672 i want to play mau it was so much fun playing last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love that game so much...unfortunitly, most people dont
i want to play mau it was so much fun playing last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love that game so much...unfortunitly, most people dont
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 6, 2008 #1,673 Never heard of it It's almost weekend again Maybe I'm off this weekend from work
fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Mar 6, 2008 #1,674 night before last, i went and watched the Vienna boy's choir and tried to help my friend named Vienna who was there have them take her with them to austria lol mau is wonderful *sorry, slightly obsessive at the moment* i work saturday...
night before last, i went and watched the Vienna boy's choir and tried to help my friend named Vienna who was there have them take her with them to austria lol mau is wonderful *sorry, slightly obsessive at the moment* i work saturday...
Tsukiko Active member Mar 6, 2008 #1,675 -Geez I hope they're battle doesnt last long. ;_; -Kanojo wa bakemono! XD -Wally-world.
Tsukiko Active member Mar 6, 2008 #1,677 -Cold -It's all gone -I KNEW I should have never told her...
Lilith New member Mar 6, 2008 #1,678 1. youre worth more than those suckahhs. 2. shes a ghost, a silhouette, calling out my name. 3. pleasepleasepleasetaaalk.
1. youre worth more than those suckahhs. 2. shes a ghost, a silhouette, calling out my name. 3. pleasepleasepleasetaaalk.
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 6, 2008 #1,679 What's going on? I'm really feeling better Luigi doll
N NarniaFan95 Active member Mar 6, 2008 #1,680 1. Frank Iero. 2. He looks so different with long hair. 3. Its kinda hot...