Three Things on Your Mind II

1. My horrible book report presentation (which I started cracking up in the middle of while I was standing in front of the whole class!)

2. What I'm gonna have for dinner

3. School tomorrow :(
couldn't you find anyone better looking than him? O.o
my stupid throat's sore from screaming"football will diiiie!!!!!!"
shorty must be planning to bomb the stable, cause he actually behaved halfway well today. AND tuesday! either that or cassie's been training him alot
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1. "goodbye my almost lover, goodbye my hopeless dream. im trying not to think about you, cant you just let me be? so long my luckless romance, my back is turned on you, shouldve known youd bring me heartache, almost lovers always do."
2. pleasereleasemefromthispain.
3. swimming. competition tomorrow.