Olórin the Wise
New member
But there would still be other members to terrorize...
I corrected the spelling of 'humbly' which I had accidentally typed as 'humble'.
SLP!! YOU'RE BACK! *pushes off a cliff*
*goes shooting off, comes back and explodes SLP* Where have you been?
*bomb explodes and does no damage in titanium lined stomach* *pushes Slp off cliff again, then pushes cliff onto Slp* I hope you visit more often than you have been lately.
*pulls out yellow submarine* *lands on beach while singing Yellow Submarine song* *calls in airstrike to dispose of Slp* Hmm, yeah... *nods sadly* Just wait until you get to college. LoL's almost never on anymore.
*lands plane on Slp* I don't think it's that bad, just busy...
ask LoL, how 'bout?
Then don't do drama class!
Ah. I see. *nods sagely*
Nope. I'm homeschooled.