To arms, fellow Duffers!

no. there's an elephant in the way.

*bomb explodes and does no damage in titanium lined stomach* *pushes Slp off cliff again, then pushes cliff onto Slp* I hope you visit more often than you have been lately. ;)
*bomb explodes and does no damage in titanium lined stomach* *pushes Slp off cliff again, then pushes cliff onto Slp* I hope you visit more often than you have been lately. ;)

*Slp, being superstrong, throws cliff in ocean and ties Lauren to it* I'll be trying to do that during lunch on school days if I don't have homework. High school is insane!
*pulls out yellow submarine* *lands on beach while singing Yellow Submarine song* *calls in airstrike to dispose of Slp* Hmm, yeah... *nods sadly* Just wait until you get to college. LoL's almost never on anymore.