To arms, fellow Duffers!

˙əʇısqəʍ ]lɹn/[sıɥʇ]dɥd˙ʇxəʇuʍopəpısdn/ɯoɔ˙oəuʎuuns//:dʇʇɥ=lɹn[ oʇ oƃ noʎ

Rats, phpBB code doesn't work upside down. Who knew... :rolleyes:
O.O....*reads squares......eats square cheerios.......reads squares again*.....IT DIDN'T WORK!!! rat it all.....*watches with umbrella as rats rain down all over the thread*
do you really think i'm going to copy this all by myself? give me a link, wizard!

I did. It was in the post. I guess your mind must not be quite as upside down as you thought it was... actually, you don't have a mind. So whose mind did you turn upside down?



So THAT's why Derny hasn't been on lately!
actually, no. derny has been on, she has just been... quiet.

and i meant, a link i could just click on. the blue kind. the kind where you don't have to go through all the trouble and type the whole url, comprende?

That's what ctrl+v was invented for. Or, as you Germans would have it, strg+v. :p

...are you sure your v is our v? because sound-wise, your v is our w. haha. the mysteries of the alphabet...

and i don't think getting that font is worth all the trouble with the url. look at all the posts i posted just to get that url... (okay, okay, call me a drama queen... but just this once!)