Trapped in Space RPG

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Gabbi glanced down at the sound of his voice. "Y-yes sir?" she replied, holding on for dear life to the nearest hand rail.
"Get to your rack and strap it...this is goping to be a bumpy ride." he said tehn came over the main intercom, "Get ready crew...this doesn't look pretty...lets hope for the best."
the next few minutes were all but falling. the spaceship spun uncontrolably as they plumited towards who knows what. Sasha never let his post behind the piolets as they came down to the crash landing. suddenly tehre was meham and explosions then...tehy stopped. they had landed.
Sasha got up from teh ground. there was smoke...a lot of it.
Saha didn't hear the inter com as it fuzzed at him. he felt for a puls in the piolate who was drapped over his controls. no puls....the first casualty...and he prayed it was the last. the other piopate was fine other than a littel bolood on the face.
Gabbi's breath caught in her throat. Was he alright? Where was Cammi? Because if Sasha was... unable to, she would have to lead the crew.
Sahsa stumbled over to teh main intercom system and picked up. it was a mess of fuss and gagling sounds...that was down. he started walking down teh halls...what would he do...where wold he even start?
Gabbi looked around her, two cadets had been strapped in next to her, neither were moving. She pressed a hand to each of their necks, neither had a pulse.
"Captain!" Gabbi shouted, hearing him. There were a few other feeble cries and she went to help those in need.

ooc: omg. somone just dumped TONS of water under my dorm's door.
ooc: laaaame.

ic: Gabbi helped up a wounded technician and she couldn't help but smile slightly. Not everyone got hurt. "Sasha!" she replied.
he walked over to her and helped her with the man. they got him sitting. he he was fine all but a busted leg, "Ok Gabby hold him down...I don't care if you have to sit on his chest just keep him down," Sasha commanded as he readied the madn to se this leg.
"I'll be...fine," the man moaned
"After I set this leg you will be."
"One two..." and there was a sound that made even Sashas's stomach turn as the man cried out in angish, "ok I need somethng straight I can tie to his leg so he doesn't bend it."
Gabbi's stomach twisted at the sound and she kept her eyes from looking at the man's leg. She glanced around for some kind of splint. "Here," she said, handing him a long piece of metal that had fallen from one of the walls in the crash. "This should work.."
Sasha nodded and taking off hsi shirt he tore it into stripps. he lashed the man's leg to the splint, "we will be back for you." he reassured him, "but we need to fine the rest of the crew." the man nodded gritting against the pain
Sasha grabbed his now shreadded shirt and stood up, " they have to be here...they have to be alive."
OOC: Sorry I was not able to respond to this sooner. Was away being sick.
Also, sorry to Gentle Voice if I use your character a little.

Klux was about to respond to Cami but was too pre-occupied with the coffee stain when the Captain's announcement ran over the speakers in the Kitchen.
Klux rolled his eyes at the absurcd announcement. Of course they were in space.
But for now he needed to mop up some of the coffee from his astronaut suit.
But as he was getting up, Klux felt the whole ship bump violently a minute or two later, making Klu stay in his seat.
Then there was an order from the intercom telling all Technicans to report to their stations.
Klux knew this meant him, even as the only Technician on board, there were still the other Engineers who were regarded as Technicans. His assigned point was the Cryo-Pods Chamber, so that was where he needed to be.
As he stood up again, Klux felt the ship skid off course, veering downwards.
As he was about to cling onto the chair that was bolted down, Klux got thrown forwards and after that there was another bump as Klux felt he hit something hard. The rest was darkness.

Coming to, Klux Maltroon had no idea how long he had been knocked out.
Opening his eyes slowly, Klux noticed the kitchen light was blinking on and off.
'I'll get to that eventually,' thought Klux before raising his upper body gently.
His helmet was broken open, the glass was smashed, probably from the impact of whatever Klux had hit.
'Oww, my head,' thought Klux and noticed he was bleeding slightly, but it was probably just a minor cut since he was able to think fairly well.
'Gosh, I was lucky,' thought Klux but then noticed if his helmet was broken off, then his communicator device inside was busted aswell. Sure, he could press the button, but with no mic to talk into (that was in his helmet) it was no use. At least the oxygen system in the ship still worked.
"Aww, crud," murmured Klux then remembered Cami had been with him.
Glancing around the room, Klux soon found her. She was laying a few feet away from Klux.
Slowly getting on his knees, Klux crawled over to her. He was not sure if he was used to walking yet.
"Cami?" asked Klux as he bent over her, a look of concern on his face.
Putting his fingers to her neck, Klux felt a pulse. She was still alive, just unconcious. Still, she may be injured and Klux was not that skilled.
He needed to get some help somehow. Then remembering that he carried an emergency communicator transceiver radio with him, Klux took it from his belt in his astronaut suit and turned it on.
"Hello? Anyone copy? This is Cryo Technician Klux Maltroon. I have an unconcious female officer of the name Cami Jones with me. We are stationed in the Mess Hall Kitchen," stated Klux into the transceiver and waited for a reply.
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