Trapped in Space RPG

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they just crashed...the power is out and a lot of people are hurt...but not everyone. Sasha and Gabbi are headed for the mess hall where cammi and Klux are...I think that baout does it
Ok... Um... give me a sec, thinking of a suitable accident for Chelsie...

IC: Chelsie had been in her room when the crash happened, she had been sitting on a lower bunk and all she had saw was the whole row failing toward her and heard a loud clunk before it went black.

She woke a while earlier in the dark, she tried to move and cried out, she could feel a weight pressing against her chest and trapping one of her arms, she waited for the gloom to clear out slightly and saw what had happened, the whole row of bunks had been dislodged by the crash enough to send the crashing sideways and she had been at the end, the whole row had fallen on her and she was trapped, to make it worse her arms was stuck and a poll was obstructing her chest making it hard to take a full breath.

She was trapped with no way of communication, and not even enough breath to shout.

Just ignore her post, Charlotte.

To Hannah: This is why it is difficult to RP with you make it a little hard to respond accordingly so shall have to ignore your last post. Or shall wait until you change it to suit the situation. Sorry if I sound mean, that is not my intention.
Also, Klux is not a cadet, he had been assigned to the mission for a year.

To ~Grateful * Surrender~: I believe it does not matter what era we are in. We can make it up as we go along.
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Gabbi followed. "We'll be back, you just rest," she told the technician. "Where are we going?" Gabbi asked Sasha as she stepped over debris.
Gabbi kept her mouth shut. She didn't want to admit that she couldn't care less if Cammi was hurt.

OOC: lol...

IC (Flern):
Meanwhile, after the ship had crashed, Flern was having her own problems with her space-craft which resembled a block of molten lava.
From on the planet Ramoes's surface, the space ship of Flern's looked like a falling meteorite, until it came crashing down upon the planet, that is.
Flern was unused to the controls of her ship, it was the nearest thing she could get into to avoid from being blown up by her home planet in the Flex Nebula.
She was blown off-course by the blast and had entered a new system she was not familiar with.
Landing in a smouldering heap on the planet's surface, the ship came to a grinding halt, making a small crater that was to hot for any ordinary person to touch.
Flern emerged from the heap, her face lightly covered with soot. Since it was not that hot a tempreture of descent, Flern was able to hold her head up high after inspecting her suit with her hands. The leather-based suit was fine, maybe a tad over-heated but it would cool down eventually after getting used to the atmosphere.
Smiling at another near-death escape of hers, Flern glanced around. The terrain was desolate, she was on a sandy banking of some kind. There were no signs of life besides a cloud of smoke in the distance.
'Time for me to check this out,' thought Flern to herself and started walking in the direction towrds the cloud of smoke, knowing full well it would take some time for her to reach it.
IC (Klux):
Klux heard voices, it came from nearby.
He glanced up but then back down at the unconcious Cami. He could not leave her, not like this.
"Help! We are in here! In the Kitchen!" yelled Klux, hoping his cries would be heard.

OOC: Know I just logged on, but have to log off in five minutes.
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"Klux!" Sasha siad recognizing his voice.

"Captain, is that you?" asked Klux as he heard the Captain's voice from behind the rubble of debris.
Klux looked up as he saw Captain Sasha in an opening after some pieces of debris fell away and the Kitchen light flickered on.
"I have Cami with me, Sir. I don't know if she is hurt but she is unconcious," stated Klux to the Captain, a trail of dried blood trickled from the cut on his forehead. He hardly seemed to acknowledge his own injury though.
The Kitchen light continued to flicker on and off as Klux stated this.
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