Trapped in Space RPG

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Gabbi fought a laugh and turned to walk to her own bunk. If anything, this was going to be an interesting mission, she decided as she fell asleep.
Chelsie woke and dressed in her new cadet outfit that had been given to her specifically.

Then she went to the prearranged meeting point with all the other cadets and lined up before the captain ready for their welcoming at orders.
OOC: Oh yay....another day. lol. Hmm, where is office? Has not posted in a while.


Klux awoke from his slumber. He had slept, not in the comfort of his bed but on the floor of the Cryo Room.
Getting up, Klux rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He was still waiting for the coolant tube. Where had William vanished for the whole night?

Grumbling slightly to himself, Klux decvided he needed a break from his work. He needed some coffee.
Making his way out of the Cryo Room, Klux began wandering around until he noticed Cami up ahead in the corridor.
She did not seem to notice him, more on her mind perhaps?
In any case, Klux continued walking towards her, afterall, the Kitchen was on the way in the corridor that Cami was standing in.
Cami turn around not notesing someone was coming up to her " hello," she said, whipping her tears.

Klux stopped a short distance away from Cami. He had noticed the tears but felt it best not to talk about it.
"It is only I, miss, Klux, the lowly fixer-upperer," stated Klux delicately. He saluted to Cami.
She cross her arms " Oh, it's just you I thought it was the Captain," she told him, now having a smile on her face.

Klux would have left....if she was waiting for the captain but something told him it was not the case. Besides, Klux felt it rude to ignore a lady.
"Yeah, simply me. Do you have some sorta disagreement with Captain Sasha?" asked he as he relaxed and put his saluted hand down by his side.
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She shooked her head " No I'm hinding from him really," she told him, she took her cup of coffe and sip it " I had a huge fight with him and I didn't mean it I just don't think before saying it," she told him, rolling her eyes.
She shooked her head " No I'm hinding from him really," she told him, she took her cup of coffe and sip it " I had a huge fight with him and I didn't mean it I just don't think before saying it," she told him, rolling her eyes.

Klux was not very knowledgeable about certain things but he tried his best to over some encouragement.
"Well, I am sure Captain Sasha may have forgotten all about it. And if not, he may have forgiven you in his own mind."
She rolled her eyes " I hope so oh, I'm LT Cami Jones," she told him " I'm so sorry I for got to do that," she told him, with a sigh.
She rolled her eyes " I hope so oh, I'm LT Cami Jones," she told him " I'm so sorry I for got to do that," she told him, with a sigh.

"It's okay," stated Klux. "My name is Klux Maltroon. I'm the handyman around here."
Klux smiled slightly at Cami Jones. She did not seem like the Captain, whom was all rules and regulations. She seemed less uptight and more loose.
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