True Friends (backstabbing)


New member
OK..What hapenes when true friens start to back stab eachother and get new ones..Well we will find out.


Name: Jazzie Namae
Bff: Nikia Olap (Someone wanna play her)
Age: 14

Personality: She is the most ppular girl in chool and is the prettiest. She has stright As and is a loves sports. She speaks Spanish and Engish. And mixs them
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Name: Nikia Olap
BFF: Jazzie Namae
Age: 14


Personality: She is one of the popular girls in school. She excels in Art and English but fails dreadfully in Math and Science. Her heritage is part-french and part-irish. She was born in France and was raised there until she was 9 years old. Her family is very rich as her father is in the Toilet paper business.
Ohhhh! This sounds fun!!!!

Name: Scarlette Heart

Bff: (she thinks is) Nikia Olap

Age: 14


Bio: Scarlette doesn't have very many friends. She usually wears hooded sweatshirts and baggy clothes. She has been friends with Nikia for years and is noticing that she has started to blow her off a little. She's very nieve and doesn't know the differance of her friends being mean, or wanting some space. She's lost in her own little world. She's also a choir freak and has the MOST amazing voice!!! Everyone who's heard her sing knows she's bound to be a star, but she's so self concious that she never try's out for solo's and sings the softest that she can...
name- Heather Collins
age- 14
bff- Alexandria (lexi) Hamilton (in the future)

bio- Heather has just moved to town she hasent started school yet she was the most popular girl at her old school shes uber rich and one word GOREGOUS shes the best ballet dancer at her new dance school but dont mess with her she can insult you tears she some what self obsorbed and bossy
It was the first day of school and Jazzie was ready to go back. She was wearing a light pink tanktop and a super cute desinger jean mini skrit. She had her hair in a braid and was wearing a tiny bit of makeup. She had her backpack on her back and walked out the door. Many of the guys on the block and on her way to school stared at her. NO doubt she would be queen popular this year AGAIN​
Name: Jazmine (Jaz) Kitfeild
Bff: maybe not bfff, but friend with Scarlette
Age: 15
Looks/pic: She is african american. She has dark eyes and black hair that's extremely curly, and hangs to her shoulders. It's often braided partially and in a ponytail or straightened. She has a cartalidge peircing and three peircings on each ear. She wears baggy clothes and hoodies. She's mostly punk looking.
Personality: She is a lot of fun, and very trustworthy. She doesn't really hang out with the preps or anything cuz she finds them appalling. She doesn't like the way they treat her cuz she's a different color. She's always smiling and very friendly to people who aren't racist toward her.


ic: Jaz shouldered her backpack. She was wearing faded jeans that were a little baggy and a cute T-shirt. She got to school and kind of blended in with the crowd. She talked to some of her brother's friends younger siblings, and her closest friend Jake. He was white, but she didn't really care. They leaned against the wall in front of the school just talking.
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Scarlette walked into school in her tight jeans and a black hoodie sweatshirt. She didn't care how hot out it was, because she didn't like wearing 'revealing' clothes. She walked around looking for some of her friends, but all were in other places at the moment, so she went to the choir room. Thankfully it was empty. She walked over to the piano, admiring the wood polish and quality it was made. She opened it, and from memory started playing her favorite song, after a few bars, she started singing.
Heathers black limo stopped in front of the school she held her chanel hand bag in her hand as she got out of the limo while her limo driver held the door open her dark hair was in perfect waves she looked amazing she got out anfd strutted down the sidewalk twords the school doors

her outfit

"♫ Near, Far, Wherever you are, I believe that the heart will go on.... Once, More, We open the door, and you'll see that the can move on...♫" she finished and sat quietly at the piano, enjoying the solitude. She new one other song that she may want to sing.... but hadn't quite decided yet.
"♫ Near, Far, Wherever you are, I believe that the heart will go on.... Once, More, We open the door, and you'll see that the can move on...♫" she finished and sat quietly at the piano, enjoying the solitude. She new one other song that she may want to sing.... but hadn't quite decided yet.

Jazzie walked into the room
Scarlette turned as she heard the door open, "Oh my god! You didn't hear me singing did you???" she went as white as a ghost. Her best friend had never heard her sing before, and she would like to keep it that way.
Jake and Jaz walked through the hallways. "I got Chorus first block, not that I'll sing much cuz 'no one likes a black girl's voice' as my old school's choral teacher put it. So this is gonna be graaaand fun..." she commented sarucastically.
"I think you have a fine voice..."
"that's cuz you aren't racist, but the rest of the world is."
"Jaz, don't let 'em tell you whether your good or not. You are VERY good at singing, and probaby better than most of those suck-up chicks. Just sing, it's what you like to do..."
"Easy for you to say, no one cares what you do..."
"You'd be suprised Jaz, just go have fun." and with that Jake walked down the hallway. She rolled her eyes and walked into the Choral room. She saw two girls sitting there. "Sooooorry, didn't mean to intrude, this is just my first class..." she commented.
Jake and Jaz walked through the hallways. "I got Chorus first block, not that I'll sing much cuz 'no one likes a black girl's voice' as my old school's choral teacher put it. So this is gonna be graaaand fun..." she commented sarucastically.
"I think you have a fine voice..."
"that's cuz you aren't racist, but the rest of the world is."
"Jaz, don't let 'em tell you whether your good or not. You are VERY good at singing, and probaby better than most of those suck-up chicks. Just sing, it's what you like to do..."
"Easy for you to say, no one cares what you do..."
"You'd be suprised Jaz, just go have fun." and with that Jake walked down the hallway. She rolled her eyes and walked into the Choral room. She saw two girls sitting there. "Sooooorry, didn't mean to intrude, this is just my first class..." she commented.

"No, you're not inturupting anything. I was just about to.... to...." she looked skyward as if asking God for an excuse to get out of here, but she had Choir first hour too, so she had to stay.
"No, you're not inturupting anything. I was just about to.... to...." she looked skyward as if asking God for an excuse to get out of here, but she had Choir first hour too, so she had to stay.

"I'll just sit here then..." she said hesitantly. She sat down in the very back of the soprano section.
"Ummm, are you a first or second Soprano???" she knew how to handle choir students like the back of her hand, "Or are you an alto, or Tenor?" she could easily have been the choir teacher, if she wanted.