True Friends (backstabbing)

"Ummm, are you a first or second Soprano???" she knew how to handle choir students like the back of her hand, "Or are you an alto, or Tenor?" she could easily have been the choir teacher, if she wanted.

Jaz raised her eyebrows. "Does it really matter?" She rolled her eyes. "I'm a Soproano, but I can be a second Soprano or Alto...I have a wide range..." she said smoothly. She didn't like it when people acted like they knew it all.
Can I still join?
...could I be my own bff 2?

Name: April Reynolds
Bff: Marcus Grace
Age: 17

Personality:Amber has what her mother calls a major additiude problem. She only trusts Marcus, no one else. She hates loud noises and is afraid of dogs.

Name: Marcus Grace
Bff: April Reynolds
Age: 17

Personality: Marcus is really laid back and loves to goof around. He's completely insane and loves making fun of other people. But he'd never make fun of April.
Can I still join?
...could I be my own bff 2?

Name: April Reynolds
Bff: Marcus Grace
Age: 17

Personality:Amber has what her mother calls a major additiude problem. She only trusts Marcus, no one else. She hates loud noises and is afraid of dogs.

Name: Marcus Grace
Bff: April Reynolds
Age: 17

Personality: Marcus is really laid back and loves to goof around. He's completely insane and loves making fun of other people. But he'd never make fun of April.

Sure..just jump in
ooc: kewl thanks.

ic: April pushed Marcus through the door. "I can't believe you made us late. If I get a detention, you're SO gonna pay."

Marcus laughed. "Relax, I don't get detentions." They took their seats in front of Jazzie/\.
Marcus turned around and looked at her. "Hey, I was just curiious.."

April put her head down on her desk, knowing what he was gonna ask.

"What does your face look like under all that make-up?"
heather walked into class she gave a note to the teacher

"class we have a new student this is heather collins" the teacher said heather just smiled and sat down in the front