True Friends (backstabbing)

Scarlette spent her entire first day if the choir room, when she found out that it wasn't being used at all for the day. She skipped all her other classes, just so that she could relax and sing with a professional piano for once. She sang her heart out, and left no emotion out of every word!
ooc: Oh c'mon hugs are better when you get it:D

Name: Grant Hullen

AGE: 16

looks: grean eyes, light brown hair that goes a little past his cheeks, 5'7"

bff: doesn't have one.....yet. New in town.

personality: bright and social kid, has an awesome sense of humor. He is also considerate, and kind! Although he has trouble with patienece.
Occ: ok just let me know where everyone is at ok

ic: Grant looked at his new room, that he took three hours at putting together. "I love it, but what to do now", he said as he looked around.
Grant looked at his book bag and remembered that he had school, "Well I'm late", he said with a laugh. Then quickly went out to his car and hedaed to school.
Jaz sat uncomfortbly in choir. The room was so loud and it was so annoying. She didn't even like any of these girls. Luckily the bell rang and she rushed off to Science, one of her favorite subjects, but of course, no one knew that. She didn't even wait for Jake, and was in the classroom, in the way back, before the bell had even rung.
Once at school Grant went to the priciple to get a locker assigned to him. "Here's the locker number and combination", said the priciple. "Thanks', replied Grant as he took to key, and went to his locker.
Once, Scarlette wanted to sing a different piece of music during the day, and so had to go to her locker to get it. She quickly and quietly walked out of the room and went to her locker. She saw Grant at his locker, as it was only a few away from hers, and smiled quietly. She grabber her sheet music and went back to the choir room. Only, when she got back, the doors had locked, "No.... No!.... NO!" she was about ready to cry when she realized she had been locked out, and had to go to her regular classes now...
Grant was surprised to see books already in the locker, and took out a folded sheet of paper to see what class he had first. "Biology 2", he said to himself.
Jaz came up to him. She'd seen the way Grant was kind of lost. "Biology Two is in room B7, it's just down this hallway..." she pointed down the hallway they were by. "I'm in that class, though it's a little ahead of my grade. It's not that hard though. I'll show you the classroom..." She knew she might have come on a little to abrupt, but she knew what it was like being 'set apart'.
"Oh thanks that helps, cause the principle forgot to write the rooms next to the classes", He said with a smile, and closed his locker.

"He's a total space out, it's a wonder this school still works..." she said. "The last time, I was the new kid, and he had all my classes backwards..." she rolled her eyes and turned into the nearest door on their left. "It's in here."