There was a growl that rumbled in his chest, “I’ll show you the best spot.” He turned to walk the whipped around to face them, “you better not go near the humans.” Then he turned and kept walking
“Trust me, I understand it better than you know.” He didn’t look at them. He kept his eyes full ahead, “I just know the pull for humane blood even for vegetarians.”
Rez snorted, “One hunting around here is better after dark and two…Mara is not my girl…she is a friend.” then he looked over at the other one, "but you two seem pretty cozy."
"Yes sisters userally are," she said coldly knowing what he was trying to get at. "If she isnt your girl then why did she kiss you, i userally though that means that that person likes you, dose it not?" she asked a small smile know playing accross her lips.
"if you haven’t noticed Humans are never predictable and hardly ever fallow rules like you and I must." he slowed down as they came to a ridge in the woods.
in a bit REz was satisfied. he lit the carceses as to avoid suspicion and waited for the girls to be done. his eyes were a butter gold and he was smiling...much better
Mara paced around her house. She shouldn't have kissed Rez, and she knew that. She also knew the girl who wanted to go hunt had been a vamp. What was she getting herself into?
Rez cocked his head to the side," you just did." he had relaxed just a bit now his muscles were tense again at the thought of what she might have meant
Elenor saw him tence up and understood too that he had taken the same meaning out of that simple senctece as she had. She made hersefl ready to grab her if she became over powered.