Twilight with a Twist (the millionth try)

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"Are you sure, I mean, if were in his, "she jurked her finger behind her to the house, "teretory and you bite a human we could end up with a full sclae war and we are good but i dont know if there are more. Are you sure you want to stay hear?" she asked conserned and worried.
"It's not your fault," Maria said, standing up. "I guess we're going home for the day..." she thought to herself.

"how is it not my fault?" Trish asked, "I knocked everything over and nearly got half the school killed!" she began to cough again. she felt horrible for how she had reacted and now many that could have really gotten hurt.

ooc: I'm considering joining this RPG. But I need to know what’s happened so far.

What had happened so far? Well the lab at school nearly burned to down thanks to the clumsiness of Trish and Rez just met a vampire who want to go hunting with him but he is werewolf/vampire mix so his isn’t liking the idea too much….that is about it as far as I know.
ooc: I was already planning on it :D

"just come whenever. I'ts not like I'm going to be gone. Fran is probably going to lock me up till I heal especially since I am going hunting tonight." his dark eyes sparckled
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