Twilight with a Twist (the millionth try)

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the hairs on Rez's back stood up asn he had to fight wiht everyhting not to turn right there. he clenched his jaw adn muttered through his teeth, "I don't see why not." she was a pure vampier through and through he could smell it and he had to protect his family from her without giving himself away to Mara
Elanor approached slowly sencing the hostility coming off the Vampire and the confushion that was trailig off the Human beside her. She made her way towards them cautiously though not showing it much to not create any more suspician from the Human.

She finally reached them and said, "Hello," again so as the huamn to hear.
"Yes," replied Elanor but she was destracted, the smell coming from the person next to him wasnt human at all it was (are you the same kind or thing?? or diffferent) exactly the same, she just hadn't noticed it because she had been focusing on the male.

"I'm from up north traveling southwards, i wondered if i could stay for a few weeks and hunt," she wispered those last tow words, "with you, If you didn't mind?" she said.
He snorted but cound't give himself away to Mara, "well I'll take you around to some of the best part in these woods but it's only bow season. I hope you have your own becasue I only have one." he tried to sound as natural as possible but his whole body was tense and his fists were white at his sides, "I'll meet you here in a few hours best time for hunting int he evening." he couldn't belieave he had just agreed to hunt wiht a Vampier. they were his worst enemy and he hated them for what they did...all of them.

ooc: yah him and Mara are the same thing :D ok well see you tomorrow :D
"OK fine," she replied trying hard to read the man but he was hiding his emotions well. "See you this evening then." She noded to the girl and walked back away towards wear she'd just came from glad that she was going to finally get to hunt.
Elenor could feel the day getting colder, she had been stalking the forest waiting for Luna(thats your name right Gentle Voice) to return. Luna had been part of her life for about 5 years now and they were like sisters, however they had had a falling out recently and split for a while, Elenor had finally forgiven Luna and knew that Luna would know that. So she had been waiting in the forest for her to return.

She hoped she would hurry up as they were supposed to be meeting the man shes seen erlier in a hour.

OCC: Ok gentle voice you post now!!
"For arguing with you back there, Im sorry you were right and i was wrong," she replied.

"But lets put that behind us and go, come on i have arranged a hunt with another Vampire tonight, we have to leave no if we're to get thre in time. Are you hungry."
Elenor rushed through the woods with Luna at her side.

They ran until they reached the place were she had met the man last time, then they stayed hidden in the forest.

Elenor knew that as soon as he came out of his house he would pick up the sent and come join them, so they waited

OCC: dose anyone know wear GS is, is she online??
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