Twilight with a Twist (the millionth try)

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She took his hand " Don't leave me," she told him.

One of the guys looked at him " Sir I'm sorry you can't go you have to be part of her family," he told him

Luna hiss again " He is he my husband," she told them, winked at Aaron " Sorry I to say that," she told him.
When they got there they took her to the ER " Sir do you want to come?," the nurse asked.

Luna nodded " Don't leave I don't want them to know what I am," she told him.
A Hour or two went by and there came cries " It's a boy," the nurse to them, handing him to Luna.

Luna smiled " Oh, Aaron isn't he wonderful what should we name him?," she asked.
She giggled " Oh, what color are they?," she asked, hooking her arm into his " Oh, snap we got to go," she told him, gentlely pulling out the IV and put him on her back " Hold on tight we be there before you can say apple six times," she told him, holding Pablo in her arm.
She stopped " You can let go of me now," she told him, placing her son in his bed " Now I'll be right here go get dress for school," she told him, then kiss him on the cheek.
Luna rocked her son to sleep.

His mum saw him awake " Hey sweetie I came to your room last night and you wasn't there," she told him.
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