Twilight with a Twist (the millionth try)

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She sighed " Fine it's mine his name is Pablo I just had him," she told her

Leo was still rocking him back in froth watching the two fight " Girl I just put him to sleep now hush," he told them, Luna kiss Pablo on his fore head " All right mommy and daddy well be right back we got to go to school now," she told him.
They walked down stairs " Ok hold on tight I'll take you to school," she told him, jumping in her buggie.

Leo glared at her with a hiss " Just let it go all right she happy now," he told her.
He rolled his eyes " Yes, I know, but she happy," he told her

Luna stopped and jump out of her car " OK I know we are early, but here we are," she told him.
Aaron got out himself and closed the door.

"Yes but you do realize we are going to have to keep this thing out of sight of anyone until its at least 16 and that could take longer than normal," she said exasperatedly.
Mara sank back down to the couch. She missed him already. She shook her head and stood and walked up to her room and got in her bed.
ooc: we really need a villan to get this thing going.

Rez Ran home and up to his room as cast as he could. no one was up and if need be Billy Black would back him up if questions of his whearabouts were rased. the family he lived with didn't know about him being a wolf, only Billy and the council knew.
Aaron got out himself and closed the door.

"Yes but you do realize we are going to have to keep this thing out of sight of anyone until its at least 16 and that could take longer than normal," she said exasperatedly.

He rolled his eyes " Yes I know that I think she knows what she doing," he told her

Luna sighed " should I go to school or stay?," she asked.
She sighed " All right but if he need any Leo can take of him," she told him

Leo shook his head " I think she does don't worry about her all right," he told her, feeding him.
She kiss him " I know he a new born but I know Leo well take care of him he was a father before he he change," she told him

Leo rolled his eyes " Well I can't tell you that because won't belive it," he told her.
They walked into the school she frozed " I can't do this I don't want it to happen again," she told him.

Leo got up placeing the bed " No I can't not now any way," he told her, with an angry tone.
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