What Did You Do Today?

Red Roses

New member
The title says it all. ;)

Okay, I went on a field trip with my class! WOOT! We had such a great time. :D I had to get up at 5, and be at school by 6. The beginning of the journey was kinda boring and once we got there it sorta started to get fun. I ended up ditching one of my friends so I could hang out with some other friends and I feel bad now. <_< It was so pretty there! On our way back we played Truth or Dare. Yeah! Now that was one good game. ;) We got Aaron into a lot of trouble though. XD Once I got home it was 7pm and I went to sleep and only woke up at 9:30. I ate dinner and did some homework. The end. =]
I um.... bought my ticket to the 8th grade dance, decided that my friends and I are forming our own little gang (with out the drugs or stealing stuff or you know, all things yo think gangs do, we're all above that), watched like 8,000 U2 videos on youtube after school, went to the mall with my dad, took a shower and got on here.

yeah, pretty uneventful
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made a vid on youtube and i danced with my friends both guys and girls to the music of the Ramones and then bought some new chuck taylors
I took my last final of the semester. I went to Wal-Mart and Kroger. I also walked/ran at the park.
I went to school. I painted in art class. I read Act II of "The Crucible." I listened to my friend's iPod. I had chili fries for lunch. Then we had our end of the year academic assembley which was sooooo cool--the theme this year was "Grades That Glow" :)rolleyes:) and they blacked out the gym and we had glowsticks and glow in the dark shirts and stuff and dance contests and spirit competitions and stuff like that...wow that was a pretty long sentence :p La la la....Now I'm on TDL...thats what i did today :)
Well... I got up, went to school, played hockey in gym, watched Walk the Line in Performing arts, played bingo in Spanish, took a vocab test, got called down to guidance, dragged Olivia home with me, and ate pizza. and here I am now.
Woke up, wrote letters tu my penpals :D Showered andate a little and went on the computer. Dashed for the bus stop and took the bus to my school. Went to Spanish test (those spring tests :rolleyes: ). After that I went withmy friend to a café and was there for over tow hours. Went to a bookshop for a little bit and then met other friends of mine and went to the same café again :D Bought a book, went ohme and ate, practised violin and then went on TDL :)
hung around on the computer, ate lunch, hung around on the computer some more, went riding for a couple hours and now i'm backon the the computer and will probably be here until i go to bed:p
To make a long story short: I went to school, and goofed around as usual and my friends and I drove everyone crazy with our nonstop giggling and note passing. :rolleyes:
My school field trip got down poured on, I had 0 homework for once, went home, got on here, ate supper, went to the 8th grade dance, partied like an insane person (which I am), saw my friend ben in a tux :p and my friend shannon in a dress :eek:, danced to "thriller" with tiara shannon and eleanor, found out that shannon and I can't dance but still rock hard anyways, went to an ice cream place afterwards, zach alex and anthony made an idiotic first impression for my mom, went home, got in my Pj's, got some cold medicine, and got online here again

I got up early in the morning
I went downstairs
Made some coffee and turned my pc on
I went upstairs and got dressed and the whole cleaning (tooth, face etc) thing
I went downstairs and sat behind my desk
Then I drank some coffee
Got my bike and went to town (My bro has the car for today)
My coworker picked me up and we drove to work
We were ordening the towels
I went to my floor
At 10 we had coffee
At 10.15 am I went to work again
At 12.30 pm we had lunch
At 3.15 pm my coworker Elly brought me home
I turned on the pc
I had some coffee and I checked my mail (spamspamspam)
TDL appeared on screen
I read the latest news
And now my day is still not over yet. It's just very near 6 pm
Well, I got up, ate some chocolate chip pancakes, went online for about 10 minutes before my mom came in to yell at me and give me a list of chores, cleaned my room, did some laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, and here I am now. :p
got up, ate breakfast and became a normal human being once i really woke up, sat around on the couch with my dog reading, got up and went to my room and did sat around doing nothing, then an hour later i finally got up and took a shower, did my laundry that i haven't done for a week or two, sat around opn the cough some more reading a magazine, then got up and got on the computer:rolleyes:
in a couple minutes i'll get off and eat lunch, go back to the computer for a couple hours, then i'll probably go to walmart, and when i get back i'll hang around of the computer for the rest of the day
Woke up and showered and did a little bit of practising, fretted over clothes along with mom :rolleyes: peformed in violin concert while overly nervous. Came home and ate and calmed me down by praying. Went to my music school again and practised my duet with a girl. Peformed in piano recital and felt mucbh better :) Came home and went on the computer, emailed my penpal, ate an apple, erad Danish Grammar (boring!) and read a book and now printing out Danish glossary notes :rolleyes:
I woke up, done chores, practiced the piano, went outside, came in and got on TDL, went to the video story and rented some movies and got back on TDL . . . boring I know :(
I woke up. I had leftover Chinese food for breakfast (bad idea). I read a few chapters of the book Im reading. I got online. I watered the plants. I got back online. Im still here. Talk about boring :p
I went to the wedding and I just got home and I'm massaging my poor feet. Wearing shoes with heels that high is NOT a good idea! :eek: