What Did You Do Today?

I completed the prayer chain for the Revival this morning(6:30am-7:00am),
I went to church this morning;it was a great service!
Then we got home,ate lunch,I read my Bible for a while....
now I'm here on TLD! :D

(I can't wait for church this evening :D )
-Woke up
-Went to school
-Got back from school
-Ate food
-Drank like a liter of tea :p
-Went on computer
-Read manga
-Listened to music with my awesome pink headphones and did homework
-Did the dishes while listening to music with my awesome pink headphones
-Read more manga
-Am now sitting here on computer once again
Got up at 10:30.
Read a little bit in bed, then got dressed (and succeeded in brushing my hair).
Danced randomly to music in my room.
Then I ate breakfast, fooled around with my siblings.

And now I'm on here. What an endlessly fascinating entry.
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I did my personal devotions,checked TDL,my e-mail,and my face book.
Then went to church ,came back,checked TDL,my e-mail,and my face book.
then resited Bible verses to my dad,now I'm back on here :D

I can't wait for more church in about 2 hours! :)

it's Preaching,Praise,and Pie Sunday today! :D
Wow, old thread,
I got off work at 8am, got dressed for church, went to church, came back from church, ate lunch, went to sleep, woke up, went back to church for a potluck/harvest party, came back from that, took a shower, and got online, about to nap, then watch some TV (CSI: Miami), then go back to work at midnight.
Went to choir practice, sang in the church service, came home and ate, did homework, went to play practice, did more homework, went online, ate dinner, more homework. :p