What Did You Do Today?

Since I'm out of school already .... I just hung out, watched t.v, had LOTS OF FUN! and then went to a homeschool end-of-the-year program and watched the guy I have a secret crush on play guitar and sing a song he wrote to God. Just one of those instances where you know you'll never have him. :rolleyes:;)
I so do not remember making this thread. ahaha. But I do remember that field trip. It was awesome. ^.^

and uh, i went to the mall today. =]
I went to church, then came home and did homework, then I went to youth group, and now I'm doing more homework :p Hopefully going to bed in a few minutes.
worked until 6:00 PST :)

i worked until 6:00 PST :) then i'm going to watch T.V. or a movie on DVD :) i had a pork sandwhinch for dinner, for desert rasins & bannna chips :)
I visited my former co-worker who also happens to be my best buddy in the Netherlands and we had fun!!! I enjoy visiting her. No matter how long we haven't seen each other it is always fun when we visit each other.
I did PE this morning then school.After school I let my little sister
have my subway sandwhich,and I split my chicken sandwhich with my
other sister.I went with my mom to drop off my dad at work then we
went to the library.I picked up a few books and a movie.When
we got home I got on this site and had some fun posting and
talking to my friend.
I tried to enter Focus on the Family's movie-premiere contest. They are a good organization, but their site software is not as good. My entry had no errors of any kind in its writing; but when I submitted it, I was blocked by a prompt FALSELY claiming that I had made a "syntax" error. So I changed the part of my text that it called an error, and then it also falsely called my NEW version a syntax error. It did the same thing three more times, regardless of what I changed. So, seeing no link offered for contacts, I tried using the contest window to send them a report of the false corrections. Ironically, THAT went through as a "contest entry." So I seem to be on record as saying that faulty software is my favorite character in the Chronicles of Narnia.
I went to Erie with my parents and then we clothes shopped at the mall. After that we went to Borders and I faced a terribly hard choice at whether to buy The Silmarillion or the ninth Ranger's book (which the library REFUSES to give me even though we've sent for it TWICE and its been more than 2 months now since I put in the original request :() with my hard-earned money (in one week -along with my other chores- I washed my dad's truck, my mom's car and the kitchen floor to earn 10.50 so that I could buy a book when we went to Borders :p). The Sil won out in the end because my mom and I both knew that as soon as I got the Ranger's book the library would have it in.:rolleyes:
Then we had supper at Pandora Bread, went to Tractor Supply and spent like 15 minutes trying to pick out a bird feeder and then came home.

And the trees were so beautiful today. :D It was a purrfect day to go out.
I took the PSAT test in the morning, got lunch at Wawa, went to Borders with my friends, came home, showered, and then went to the homecoming dance. :) 'twas epic.