What is the stupidess thing you've done!!!

I didn't chop it off. one brother did it to the other. I just held the jar under his dangling finger so if it fell off we'd have it.

and at least I'm not so sad that I find watching a lakers game a good use of a Saturday night. Now that is a stupid thing to do.
onlymystory said:
and at least I'm not so sad that I find watching a lakers game a good use of a Saturday night. Now that is a stupid thing to do.
a) it's friday night, not saturday night...time to learn your days of the week :D
b) it's not stupid, watching the lakers is a great use of your time!!
friday night or saturday night. they tend to run together.

I figured out what's stupider than watching a lakers game though. Its majoring in physics!!!
But I spent my Friday nights watching Footy. (Come on! I have to, it's in my blood! My grandad played for Richmond, even though I go for the Eagles!)
well see that is perfectly normal. Football (both American and otherwise) are great sports and should always be watched. its this thing they call a sport that involves nothing but a bunch of sweaty guys running down a court that is stupid. :p
oms said:
I figured out what's stupider than watching a lakers game though. Its majoring in physics!!!

Elindil said:
That's RIGHT!!!


oms said:
its this thing they call a sport that involves nothing but a bunch of sweaty guys running down a court that is stupid.
You just keep putting your ignorance on display when you say things like this!! :p *shakes head* you just don't get it, and that's sad!!!
I do stupid things everyday. I just happen to realize it at the end of the day when I'm in bed reliving everything that happened...(well just the highlights)....
onlymystory said:
well see that is perfectly normal. Football (both American and otherwise) are great sports and should always be watched. its this thing they call a sport that involves nothing but a bunch of sweaty guys running down a court that is stupid. :p

if you're referring to basketball, GIRLS PLAY IT TOO! oh yea, and it's not stupid :p :D

Once i rolled my arm up in a car window...the dumb part is...i was the one controlling the window

LOL BAILEA THAT IS SAD! SAAAAD! LOL!! let's see, what else have i done that was stupid...one time i was looking at a book and i was like "when was this made?!" and i looked inside and saw it was published in 2003 and i was like "oh" and then my mom slowly pointed to the front(i had been looking at the front when i wondered when it was made)and ON THE FRONT COVER it said "2003" :D
Um ok I just burned the tip of my tongue with really cold coke. Is that possible???? I CANT FEEL MY FREEKIN TIP OF MY FREEKIN TONGUE!!! Man that sounds wrong...*distorded mind*
deepnarnianess ( girl's basketball is fine. My brother's girlfriend plays basketball and I think she's awesome. And she could beat me up if I said otherwise. But I can't tell Tim that. ) :D

Oh, i remembered something else i did. So, I was getting into my friend's car and I had one foot in and I leaned on the car door to get in. Except the door wasn't open all the way so my arm went flying out and I fell flat on my rear in the parking lot and spilled coffee all over me. It was so embarrassing.
Ok, so despite the fact that this story is horribly embarrassing and I seriously can’t believe how dumb I was, its also hysterically funny so I have to share. (After all, why cry when you can laugh?) So, I was at work today and I was in the back of the kitchen getting something for a server. Anyway, I was walking out of the fridge not paying any attention whatsoever, and singing to myself. (I do that a lot.) I slipped on something and tried to catch myself but I ended up plunging my arm into one of the giant ice bins. These bins are what we use to cool the sauce and soup down before we put it in the freezer. They are about 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide and about 3 feet long. So, I reached to grab the edge to pull my arm out as its freezing and the entire thing dumps over on top of me. Oh, and to make matters worse, the edge of the bin caught the table and dumped marinara sauce on me too. Yep, that was me, lying on a gross kitchen floor with marinara sauce all down my front and completely soaked from head to toe with ice cold water. And all because I thought it would be fun to sing to myself instead of pay attention to what I was doing. (Needless to say, I got to go home after that.)

How’s that for stupid?
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I locked my sister in a two b' five metal box once, and forgot about her... :eek: (On purpose!) And she almost sufficated! :D How many times have I tried to get rid of her??? :rolleyes: