What is the stupidess thing you've done!!!

Getting in the middle of the school hall.....shouting.."CHOCALATE THUNDER"..!!!!!. Well everyone is staring at me, because they think I'm retarted or something. I don't even know why I did it. But o well...lol. My friends think it was FUNNY. And yes I know, that was ssssoo stupid!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
If hes like me, then horrible.

Probably one of the stupidest things was; when I was small and short, these girls said I was a wimp at McDonalds. I found a hole in the net to the slide, came in and climed the slide on the outside. I fell off. From the very top. Landed on my back with just the air knocked out of me. Thank goodness I didn't hit one of the bars or I would be in a weel chair.
stupidess thing i've ever done - hmmm well uhhhhhh that's a hard one well probably when DW said something about my dog and i thought CT had said it so i was like yelling at CT so yeah and don't try to find what i said cause i deleted it :)
narnia queen its never stupid to yell at CT. Even if you were wrong about why you're yelling at him. trust me, i do it all the time. of course it does stink that its online because its much more fun to yell when you can truly deafen a person.

I tripped over my own 2 feet like 7 times today alone. It was just sad.
wow, I'm getting railed in this thread :mad: :D

...maybe I should defend myself...nahh, no need...they really know i'm perfect, and I guess RF and oms are just jealous because I never do anything stupid :p
yeah that must be it. :rolleyes: I think its more that we want to make you feel better about yourself after those horrible soccer exhibitions that you call a game.
Aww I've done too many stupid things! :(

I dropped my dog when I was 5.

I swore on stage (BY MISTAKE!!) in the 4th grade.

Last year, I waited 4 months to join TDL..

I tackled the person on 3rd base in the......6th grade? :confused:

When I was 3, i threw sand in some other kid's face.

I put my turtles in the same tank as my other fishes.

When I dropped my dad's camera at Disneyland.

When I (ACCIDENTLY!) thew my friend's favorite pencil in the garbage.

When I ACTUALLY asked my dad "May I go on a field trip all by myself?" :eek: :eek:

When I dropped by tic tacs during traffic duty (5th or 6th or 7th grade), my dad got ticked.

When I brought Lambie to school.

When I let my friend, Vince, wear my grandma's earrings.

When I was like, 7 or 8, I decided I wanted to make a blanket glow so I put it over a lamp, and uh... I almost burned the house down :eek:
When I was like, 7 or 8, I decided I wanted to make a blanket glow so I put it over a lamp, and uh... I almost burned the house down :eek:

XD I did something sorta-like.. Wanted my tisues to get warm, so I put them over a lamp and started a little fire..:rolleyes: When I was about 10, so.. XD
Let's see... the stupidest thing I ever done was blank out all day at school for some reason. It was an accident!
"Jodie, what's helium?" I couldn't say. "Jodie, what does pi equal?" I couldn't say! I forgot everything I learned that day! It was totally wierd! Thankfully it was a Friday. When I talked to my boyfriend later on, he told me he loved me and I replied, "Are you my boyfriend, or my cousin?" I don't know what happened, but I felt so stupid!
the stupidest thing i have ever done is probaly....
chasing a cow......trying to get it back in its pen. and let me tell ya sumthing never chase a cow it will start chasing you