What would have happened if???....

There would be no Edmund and I think his parents would have named him diffrent..:rolleyes:

What if thier was no Narnia and C.S. Lewis didn't write about it?

Then many of us would be very depressed

What if Anna Popplewell started a rock band?
Then the total post count of this forum would go down about five hundred.

What would happen if the whole of the USA lost power? :eek:
well, i guess we would lose power...:rolleyes: idk we would go into a major meltdown!

what if georgie was not in LWW and was a pop singer for the Czech Republic?
Everyone is expendable. But maybe the Czech Republic will come out with some original music of it's own... possible but not likely. :p

What would have happened if the Roman Empire had not existed?
Um then Paul would have died some way diffrent

What if Camras never even exsited and all of us were in the dark ages again[aka 1990-1999 :p so says my friends]
if it was 1990 i would not be alive....otherwise there would be tons of celebrities everywhere cuz there wouldn't be and paparazzi (SP?)

what would have happend if Gollum never killed Deagol?
You wouldn't have a really cool friend and Wes Welker would have never pursued a football career because I wouldn't be able to interview in 10 years from now..

What if Harry Potter is really Voldemort in disguise?
Then the world would be emotionally handicapped forever. :rolleyes:

What would happen if the Soviet Union had an all-out nuclear war with the US?
ooo. Umm both countries would have been annihilated (can't spell!)
and evil little bunnies would have taken over the earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What if Prince Edward the V and his little brother were never placed in the Tower of London?
Then they probably would have gone on living until they died of something else...

What would have happened if Philip II's son had been king instead of Alexander III?
Then they probably would have gone on living until they died of something else...

What would have happened if Philip II's son had been king instead of Alexander III?

The world would be a smaller place.

What would've happened if Athens would have chosen Poseidon instead of Athena as their god?
Ummm... probably almost nothing. Depends how much gold and silver go into a statue of Poseidon.

What would happen if QA48 was banned for saying some anti-Green Day things? :eek: