Whats your fave line?

Fave LWW line?

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oh yeah, I forgot it was only inPC

no my fav in LWW is when fater christmas leaves and Lucy tellsSusan "I told you he was real" :p:p
"Wake up Dolly-Daydream" I seriously started saying that for like three weeks after I saw the movie. It was incredible :D

LOL! Me to! When ever I try and get my sisters attention and it takes for ever I say "Wake up dolly-daydream!" really loud!:p

I like when they come to the dead end in the tunnel.
Mrs. Beaver: "You should've brought the map!"
Mr. Beaver: "There wasn't room next to the jam!"
"Wake up Dolly-Daydream" I seriously started saying that for like three weeks after I saw the movie. It was incredible :D

I know! I love that quote... every time I hear it, it makes me laugh! I've also said it to friends, and they star at me until I tell them it is a Narnia quote!

I have to say that one of my favorite quotes is:
Peter: We're not heroes!
Because that totally changes throughout the movie!
I love when Ed asks "Who's Aslan"
and Mr Beaver is like "He's funny" and all of them stare at him, because they have no idea wh'os aslan :p
BrotherGrimm, just so you know, Aslan's line is: "Once a king or queen in Narnia, always a king or queen."

Your quote is a slight variation from the one at the end of the book said by the Professor: "Once a King in Narnia, always a King in Narnia."

The full qoute is "Once a King of Queen in Narnia, always a King or Queen in Narnia. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens". I just watched it last night!