Which Mod Would Win? (please don't delete)

Which Mod Would Win In A Lightsaber Free-For-All?

  • Specter

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • Dragon

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • rosymole

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • tgraveline

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • GrayCloak

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • jennyjenjen56

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • waterhogboy

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • None would win...they would all die!

    Votes: 17 45.9%
  • EveningStar

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
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Retired Purplemite
Royal Guard
Ok, a new poll...

Which mod do you think would win in a lightsaber free-for-all? They can only use a lightsaber, and there can be only one winner.

So, who would win? And post your reason why!
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I almost did GrayCloak, but I didn't want to offend anyone; therefore everyone must die!
hehehe i did gc even tho i can beat her i still think she would win

and hb tell the people where u got the idea for this thread
I voted for GC, but then I wished I'd voted for tg, cuz he's sooooo much cooler*swoons*

lol, anyhow, GC's told us how she has 1337 sabre-wielding skillz, so ya, she'd win.
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black cloak said:
and hb tell the people where u got the idea for this thread


Actually, I thought of this thread during church this mourning. It was in Ukrainian, and I can't understand what's going on! So, I thought up of this thread...I am so not in God's good books...

I chose Spector, because he can ban all the mods into oblivion, and win the fight :D
Well I'll say Pretzel since you didn't put him on the list and last time I asked he still had mod type powers.
Monkeh said:
Well I'll say Pretzel since you didn't put him on the list and last time I asked he still had mod type powers.

I got the list from the link forum leaders. I just copied and pasted. No offence meant.
Fairenough. I wasn't sure if he was or not lol. I just know that he used to be. But that was way back when the site first came online.
Bet you can't guess who I voted for!??!

Of course I'd win. I'm the braniest, fastest, most charming and most darned good looking of the lot ;)
Common, what is wrong with you people? Of course Gray would win! She would split TG in half in the first minutes. Soon after that WHB and Pretzelhead would bite it. Then, well, I think that the others would kill each other, leaving Specter and Gray in a climactic battle of good and evil (Gray would probably be the evil one...;)). Ater some crumming diologe and several "nooooo!"s Gray would give into her anger and destroy specter, however, returning to the light side just in time (although, the dark side gets black robes, so she might go either way...).

Oh yeah, Darth Rosey is the only one who wouldn't be in the fight, she would become Gray's Sith Master and turn her to the dark side...:D

(Btw, great thread HB666)
Hohoho - you're all so naive!! You have NO idea who it is pulling the strings............hahaha
Lol, funny thread idea, and I like the fact that I'm winning in the pole. :D

Smog said:
Oh yeah, Darth Rosey is the only one who wouldn't be in the fight, she would become Gray's Sith Master and turn her to the dark side...:D

...but there can only be one Sith Lord, so I would be forced to kill Darth Rosy eventually and become the new master.
Ok WHB, you can have all the strings you want. My sis would slice you into pieces :D! Lol
I feel i must defend myself here, even though I am it is true an expert trainer of others in the use of the mighty light saber, with the barriers of great age and battle injuries, sadly the flame headed one (that would be me) has turned from the path of physical violence to exert her power, and prefers the more subtle arts of brain washing and general slyness to achieve her aims. You may win if you fight me with weapons, but thoughts will succeed evermore!!
The first person to say 'stick and stones' etc gets a poke in the eye with a spoon.
Sadly, some people on this site don't speak British, so please try to speak in English. You know, that weird language you Brits made up :D
ok, you all know nothing but crap from what i've read. I voted for myself, yeah thats right i did what you should not, you know why? Because i know how to use a real sword as it is and a lightsaber is well another practiced artform of mine.

Oh and smog is going to die, because its going to be like in spaceballs where dark helmet kills a cameraman. ha ha ha ha ha.

So i only think the two who would give me a fighting chance is rosy or gray cloak sense she has all this ego booster stuff from her swooning folks.

I may forgive aragorn, if he wishes for me to fix his vote i will do so, but only if he truly wishes it, lol.

So be prepared to die.


PS i love you all even though i sound angry when i'm just in greenwich for too long and well we fight here, lol.

EDIT: Forgiven
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I don't understand??!!
says this very slowly and clearly "What are you talking about Holy Boy?"

We still want the Americans to be confused , eh? ;)
What do you want me to say in Canadian English then...sadly even though my mind powers are strong, they can not yet read the minds of the untrained across the great waters..
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