Which Mod Would Win? (please don't delete)

Which Mod Would Win In A Lightsaber Free-For-All?

  • Specter

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • Dragon

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • rosymole

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • tgraveline

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • GrayCloak

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • jennyjenjen56

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • waterhogboy

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • None would win...they would all die!

    Votes: 17 45.9%
  • EveningStar

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
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Smog said:
I don't care, because I'm Rosey's favorite... Aren't I?

noooooooooooooooooooooooooo I am, didn't you see what she wrote! HM! *sticks tongue out at Smog*

(haha the beauty of editing your post :D)
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Why would Rosey favor someone who can't spell tong... wait that's not right, tongu, no that's not it either... Tounge... nope not it... Tongue! That's it! Hahah! :p
...Rosy, you have two options

1) You can run this band of misfits who can't spell tongue,

2) You can come to the blue side...so far it’s only me, but it can't get worse then that...can it?

Join the Blue Side…
No disposing people, Smog. The all-powerful admin doesn't like it when his members are put in trash cans to be disposed of...

HAHA! I have the power of SPEC! Back you demons! BACK! (what gave me this power, i do not know, but its funnier this way...)
Actually, I was planning of duct taping your mouth and driving you out into the middle of the desert, then leaving you there. But I think I like the trash can idea better...

*whispering* No, now is not the time to be arguing...no of course I don't want him to die, he's suppose to be in mortal pain, sure of death, when Rosy comes and saves him!...Haven't you been watching Star Wars?...YOU WERE BESIDE ME!...So thats why you weren't speaking much...no, I'm not mad you missed...no, I still want to be friends...HAHA that is so funny...
Ah no HB, i will train them to spell, especiall how to spell my name correctly 'R-O-S-Y'
They will be trained in art of slyness and only using duct tape for DIY situations at home and not for tying people up Smog!!
And i can't have favorites amoung my troups that would show emotion- never a good thing on the battle field!
No, you need to show emotion when you scream NOOOOOOO! as your best friend bites it... but I think that would be the only time...
rosymole said:
Ah no HB, i will train them to spell, especiall how to spell my name correctly 'R-O-S-Y'
They will be trained in art of slyness and only using duct tape for DIY situations at home and not for tying people up Smog!!
And i can't have favorites amoung my troups that would show emotion- never a good thing on the battle field!

I've always spelled 'rosy' right!!! ha! :D And smog, you have a point
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holyboy666 said:
Ok, a new poll...

Which mod do you think would win in a lightsaber free-for-all? They can only use a lightsaber, and there can be only one winner.

So, who would win? And post your reason why!

You, HolyBoy666. You can just call on the ole 666 to help ya.
holyboy666 said:
Ok, a new poll...

Which mod do you think would win in a lightsaber free-for-all? They can only use a lightsaber, and there can be only one winner.

So, who would win? And post your reason why!
We need to get some more recent mods up there. I mean Dragon and jennyjenjen56 haven't been on in while,and PrinceOfTheWest is not there or inkspot,or you holyboy.
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