Who is your #1 favorite?

Who is your #1,then #2,then #3 fav character?

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I would have to say Skandar. In the movie, in my opinion, he is like the main character. Because he was the human traitor, he was the rescued one and he was forgiven. I think it's cool because he changed so much throughout the movie. I think it's because when he was captured, that's when he realized how much he needed his family and then when they were re-united at Aslan's camp he was just happy to be with them. I think his [real] turning point was when he was trying to save his broter from Jadis in the battle. I also like Ed in real life, Skandar Keynes, because he's funny, cute, he has a lot of style and he's one of the best actors I know.
The Narnia Addict said:
Anna p00ns...

What? You have 3 accs? You cant vote for three on one acc can you? That'd be "noticeablycheating" if you used 3 accounts ^_^

Nope. It's one of the check-box ones...you can check more than one. It lets you. If it's got circles next to every name, it only lets you choose one.
hmm well i put tilda as my number one, mainly because i loved the witch in both the magician's nephew and the LWW. her aurora and atmosphere she creates is definitely mezmorizing. i wasn't a fan of her physical representation (everyone has their own idea of the beautiful evil witch in their head) but she still had is a captivating character in the movie.

my second favorite is obviously peter. im a sucker for the average boy turned knight sorta deal. being that i used to love the boy from princess and the goblin and the one from the black cauldron. he falls under the heroic dream guy sorta thing. i also appreciate his ability to handle the situation at hand even when he's unsure. and in the movies, our actor will was very handsome ;) thats always a plus in my book.

my third favorite was georgie, very talented little girl. i love lucy for her innocence and ability to believe the most illogical of things. she's kind hearted, forgiving, and helps her family stay together even though shes so small and young.
I'm a big fan of Will (obviously) but I voted for Georgie, just because she was amazing at such a young age and far outstripped the acting of the other kids (although that may be partly due to the fact that Georgie easily had one of the most important parts in the story).
I thought everyone was excellent in it, really. But the two that it took to really pull it off in my opinion was Georgie Henley and James McAvoy. The relationship between the two of them was so believable that you really cared for these two characters.
Each character was essential to the movie...without all of them, in equal importance, the movie could not exist. I am surprised more people didn't choose Liam Neeson for Aslan! Tilda and the White Witch are synonomous to me for a battle-ready iron maiden :D but I also love Aslan ( Liam Neeson!!)