Who loves kitties?

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Daphenilia said:
NOOOO my Grandmother has a hymallain (sp?) named precious and it is EVIL!!!
my cousin and I turned her camera on night vision and the kitty's eyes were glowing and she goes "Creepy kitty...gonna eatcha".....LOL :D

my cat has gold eyes and at nbight it looks like little glod eyes staring at you!
Kitties? Kats?

I mean CATS. I like dogs better. :p
I had three dogs when I was young (er).
The story I tell to all-
One Died, One Gave away, One ran away.
True story..

Anyways, I have one for some reason.
Picture taken about 6 months ago, by me-
(Size is too large, need to find somewhere to put it,
I'll post it later)

I don't know, I still don't like cats so much.
Maybe how its viewed as feminine o_o"
Big cats are different :cool:
Charlie Lovs Skandar said:
why dont u upload it on 2 photobucket and then giv the link??i wanna see ur kittie lol :D
Imageshack does not work..
I'll try photobucket.

Got it ^_^
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I started a thread about thi already. It used to be called Who else ♥'s cats till a mod merged it w/ anothe rone and now it's called animals. So this will prolly be closed.
William Moseley Addict said:
I started a thread about thi already. It used to be called Who else ♥'s cats till a mod merged it w/ anothe rone and now it's called animals. So this will prolly be closed.

I LOVE YOUR KITTY!! When I first came to this forum, I went to your site. He is adorable!! I remember you said THAT'S MY BABY!!!!!!!
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