First of all, I get rather annoyed when people say, "Oh, stop bashing the movies! Just get over it!" and then create a thread for positive things about VODT. I hate to tell you, but that implies that you don't really want to hear why people dislike the movie, and frankly, if you were paying attention to any other discussion thread in this subforum, you wouldn't have needed to create this kind of thread.
I personally am not going to respond to this question because you know what? I AM TIRED of being told that I am in the wrong for hating the movie. I am TIRED of being told that I can't have my opinion, and I am TIRED of seeing threads where people can't seem to understand a simple concept of how some people feel. I'm going to tell you like I've told others: PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM ARE FREE TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS, AND YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO TELL THEM TO DO OTHERWISE. And to be perfectly honest, there are so many discussion threads about VODT that the mods may need to come in and clean up after members who aren't careful about creating new threads.
I'm beginning to feel like I'm not tolerated because I voice my opinion on something....and that's not the way a forum operates. I believe i'll be taking this concern to the moderators, because it's getting worse with members telling other members to shut up about this topic, and when they're basically snubbing people because they dont' share the same opinion. If you dont' like dissenting opinions, don't be active on a forum. That's what forums are for: differing discussions and differing opinions.
AK, I dont think anyone is intentionally saying that. I dont think that anyone is saying that you can not express your opinions at all. Nobody is saying that you are wrong for hating the movies and no one is saying you are wrong for having your own opinion on things. If anything, we feel that it is the other way around.
What we are saying is that it seems that y'all see a thread about the VDT and think "Okay, how can I bash this now?" That is all Aslan's Child, and I, am trying to say. It tends to get depressing for me. I mean, I know that i said this somewhere else, but I shall reiterate it. I get stressed from school, social life, etc.. Then, I come on here to relax, and its quite hard when all I see are negative comments, and no even trying to see the good in the movie..
Honestly, though, I can see where you are coming from. I understand, the VDT and PC could have been way better, but I know that I really enjoyed them for different reasons. I enjoy them because they are some of the only, morally sound (non-junky) movies out there these days. In a world where there are so many junky movies, its nice to see a movie that has good morals, no junk, and has a reasonably good plotline.
The rude way you talk about PG-13 films makes me think repeatedly of The Lord of the Rings, which deserves none of this generic (though often true) criticism.
I'm homeschooled. The only R-rated film I've seen is The Passion of the Chirst. All I watch these days are chick-flicks, because that's what Mom wants to watch. The action movies I get to enjoy are rated PG. So I think I basically fall under your "watch a ton of kids movies" category.
In response to this, I was just using PG13 as a general topic. A lot of PG13 movies have some sort of junk in them, so I was just 'typecasting' PG13 movies, so to speak.

I know, LOTR deserves no criticism at all. Those were great movies, some of my favorites. I am sorry if I offended anybody by that comment, for it was not my intent at all, I was just trying to make a point.
I'm homeschooled as well. I have never seen an R-rated movie in my life, so that was why I used PG13 as my example.
I definitely agree with point 4. How thankful I am that the movies have kept negative content to a minimum! The Narnia movies might not be just like the books, but they're good movies compared to others. Some people want the moviemakers to stop making Narnia movies, and this upsets me. They don't have to like the movies, but unless there are serious moral issues, they shouldn't want them not to make them. Seriously, the Narnia movies are some of the most family-friendly movies being made nowadays!
I agree with you totally!!! YOu worded that better than I did!!!
I know that written words can often be misinterpreted, so, I just wanted to say that I meant no offense in anything I said, nor did I mean it in a rude, opinion-downing way at all. If that was how it was taken, i apologize.