Why don't they make the film "The magician's nephew"


New member
Hi,eveyone.I'm just new here.
I don't know why the director want to make LWW first and not "The magician's nephew" so that the movie can still comtinue with the other story?
Yeh - mtdman's right. If people who'd never heard much about Narnia heard the Magician's Nephew was coming out they'd be like 'What the .....???' But everyone's heard of LWW - so it'll get people into the Chronicles better.
MN would never make any money Probably after the others come out It Still probably wouldnt make any money. Its a very informative book but not reall exiting.
The Prince said:
MN would never make any money Probably after the others come out It Still probably wouldnt make any money. Its a very informative book but not reall exiting.

:eek: HOW DARE YOU!!! Its my favourite!!!!!!!!!
chonghh90 said:
Hi,eveyone.I'm just new here.
I don't know why the director want to make LWW first and not "The magician's nephew" so that the movie can still comtinue with the other story?
My guess would be because of "name recognition." While those of us who've read the entire series of Narnia books know the origins of the series lie in The Magician's Nephew, many of those who haven't read the full series at least recognize the title The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. Many of those same people have seen the BBC and animated versions as well - while The Magician's Nephew would not be recognized as easily. The short answer: "It's marketing."

The good thing about all this is that if LWW does well, the ground will be cleared for the other films to go to production (including The Magician's Nephew). One word of caution: no matter how good WE think the film is, if it doesn't make money for Disney, it's all we'll get. Disney's a business, and businesses - by definition - are supposed to make money. I'm not knocking them for that; it's just how the world works.

Look at it this way, Warner Brothers keeps making the Harry Potter films because the execs KNOW they'll make money....and as long as the studio keeps the "production values" high, people will keep coming back for more. As a Narnia fan, I really, REALLY have mixed feelings about the movie - I feel that it could be the greatest thing to happen to the Narnia stories since C. S. Lewis wrote them, or the absolute worst thing possible...depending on how the story is handled.

Frankly, I haven't been impressed at all with Hollyweird's latest efforts (including Star Wars) - aside from LoTR and the HP films. Until I view LWW and see what makes it to screen (and what hits the cutting-room floor), "the jury's still out."

I hope I haven't angered any of you, but that's how I feel. I want the movie to be as good as I hope it CAN be.

Lion. Witch and the Wardrobe is the most famous, so of course they would have it come out first, that way they can lure the most people in.

With enough fans seeing the movie they can make the sequels.
I know this might step on some toes, but if you read the books in order of their release, it makes for many more surprises that way. I know chronologically MN comes first, but think of what a surprise you miss out on. How cool is it to find out later that Digory is the old professor in LWW! But if you read MN first you already know that. Also, if you read LWW first then read MN, you find out where the wardrobe came from, also a cool surprise if you read MN in order of release instead of chronologically.

So if we all get to the theatre next week and the week after that (let's keep Narnia #1 over King Kong in week 2!) we might eventually see MN on the big screen! I sure hope so! :D
I hope LWW kills King Kong. How many remakes of remakes do we need?

Personally, I'd like to see them skip some of the books. While HHB and Silver Chair and MN are good books, I am not sure they'd hold the attention of the audience. Especially since the main characters change in those movies; it will be hard for the audience to keep track. I'd wager a guess that they'll do LWW, PC, VDT and LB to wrap up the movie series. VDT is the one I'd most like to see.
I thought the Magician's Nephew would be released first.
The Prince said:
Hey WHB cool it I was just answering a Q. alright no need to get so vilont wait STOP! ahhhh.... ;) :D

Right that's it. *Stands up and shoves the Prince*. You wanna take this outside!?!? Come on then!!!!!! I'll have ya.....
Archerbear said:
Frankly, I haven't been impressed at all with Hollyweird's latest efforts (including Star Wars) - aside from LoTR and the HP films. Until I view LWW and see what makes it to screen (and what hits the cutting-room floor), "the jury's still out."

Ya know, sometimes there is just no pleasing some people.

Archerbear said:
I hope I haven't angered any of you, but that's how I feel. I want the movie to be as good as I hope it CAN be.

I think what you're saying is that you want the movie to meet your expectations. That was the same problem that happened when Lucas made the Star Wars prequels: Fans had spent twenty years imagining these movies, and when Lucas' visions did not correlate with their expectations, they came out disappointed.

Andrew Adamson and Walden Media are making this movie, and probably more, whether you like it or not. As readers of the book, we've all imagined them in different ways. It is your choice whether you like the movie or not. I say you may as well enjoy it.
mtdman said:
I hope LWW kills King Kong. How many remakes of remakes do we need?

Personally, I'd like to see them skip some of the books. While HHB and Silver Chair and MN are good books, I am not sure they'd hold the attention of the audience. Especially since the main characters change in those movies; it will be hard for the audience to keep track. I'd wager a guess that they'll do LWW, PC, VDT and LB to wrap up the movie series. VDT is the one I'd most like to see.

Yes, I hope LWW kills King Kong as well. Aslan could take a giant monkey any day!

As far as changing main characters, Lewis does a great job of working in other main characters. Eustace for example, he pops up first in VDT then he's a main character in SC. Then in HHB you're back to the original 4 kids that came through the wardrobe. At the end of MN you find out Digory is the professor, so all the main characters are within like 2 degrees of each other.

But seriously dude, you don't think giants, the underground kingdom and a fight with a huge serpant (not to mention the hilarious Puddleglum) would keep the audience's attention in Silver Chair?

How about talking horses, a battle over Queen Susan and all those chase scenes in HHB?

Or how about in MN when you find out how the wardrobe was created. All the different pools, how the White Witch got to Narnia and not to mention magical rings that take you to different worlds (seems like I've heard another story about a magic ring).

Sorry but I have to respectfully disagree, because I think all 7 would make great movies! Much better than anything else Hollywood would be considering making.
AslanJudah said:
Yes, I hope LWW kills King Kong as well. Aslan could take a giant monkey any day!

As far as changing main characters, Lewis does a great job of working in other main characters. Eustace for example, he pops up first in VDT then he's a main character in SC. Then in HHB you're back to the original 4 kids that came through the wardrobe. At the end of MN you find out Digory is the professor, so all the main characters are within like 2 degrees of each other.

But seriously dude, you don't think giants, the underground kingdom and a fight with a huge serpant (not to mention the hilarious Puddleglum) would keep the audience's attention in Silver Chair?

How about talking horses, a battle over Queen Susan and all those chase scenes in HHB?

Or how about in MN when you find out how the wardrobe was created. All the different pools, how the White Witch got to Narnia and not to mention magical rings that take you to different worlds (seems like I've heard another story about a magic ring).

Sorry but I have to respectfully disagree, because I think all 7 would make great movies! Much better than anything else Hollywood would be considering making.
I didn't say I didn't think they would make great movies, or that I wouldn't like to see them. I said that some of the books I mentioned diverge from the main characters introduced in the first book, and that it might not hold the audience's attention, they might be a bit confused about the characters.

And frankly, while HHB and SC are good books, they aren't really that important in telling the whole story. If you skipped reading them, you wouldn't really miss anything.
Concerning HHB, I would sadly have to agree, you wouldn't miss much. However, if SC were skipped the audience would be thrown in with a character (Jill) whom they had never encountered and consequently the film makers would have to mess with the story line to make it fit. You need SC for LB to work.
starkist said:
Archerbear said:
Frankly, I haven't been impressed at all with Hollyweird's latest efforts (including Star Wars) - aside from LoTR and the HP films. Until I view LWW and see what makes it to screen (and what hits the cutting-room floor), "the jury's still out."
Ya know, sometimes there is just no pleasing some people.
Oh, I'll grant you that visually and cinematically, Star Wars III was a moviegoer's feast; it had a wonderful soundtrack and razor-edge technological superiority over nearly every other film to date...and I did enjoy it for what it was - but it could've been so much more!

It didn't have that "gut-punch" or the "man, I have GOT to go to the bathroom, but if I do I'LL REALLY MISS SOMETHING!!!!!" seat-glue that other films have.

Here's an example for you: in Star Wars, did you count the number of "light-saber duels over-a-long-drop-or-other-hazard-to-your-health" scenes? The repetition of that "device" - in that one film alone - was enough to distract me from the story ("oh, they're doing that again"). When I sit in the theater, if something like that is obvious enough to distract me from the enjoyment of the film, the "device" has been over-used.

I guess in a nutshell, it comes down to this: Keep me interested and make me CARE about the characters, but don't cheat me by substituting "window dressing" and "flash" (stunning visuals and effects) for honest-to-goodness STORYTELLING.
starkist said:
Archerbear said:
I hope I haven't angered any of you, but that's how I feel. I want the movie to be as good as I hope it CAN be.
I think what you're saying is that you want the movie to meet your expectations. That was the same problem that happened when Lucas made the Star Wars prequels: Fans had spent twenty years imagining these movies, and when Lucas' visions did not correlate with their expectations, they came out disappointed.
:) Actually, what I said was, "...I want the movie to be as good as I hope it CAN be." What I've seen in the trailers has "set the bar" in my mind - and knowing the story I've loved for so long has given me appropriately high expectations - based on the visuals I've seen. But, at the risk of repeating myself, I dearly hope the movie does a good job of storytelling; the rest (visuals, effects, soundtrack) is the icing on the cake.

starkist said:
Andrew Adamson and Walden Media are making this movie, and probably more, whether you like it or not. As readers of the book, we've all imagined them in different ways. It is your choice whether you like the movie or not. I say you may as well enjoy it.
I have a lot of respect for Mr. Adamson based on his previous works. I haven't seen LWW yet, though. As to whether "it is (my) choice whether (I) like the movie or not" - that's true.

To a point. :)

When someone reads you a story from a book, "you have the choice whether you like it or not." However, the quality of the reader can make a world of difference; it's much more fun with a really good one, you know. ;)

Personally, I don't care if The Magician's Nephew or The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe came out first, I'm just really gald they didn't try to mush all the books into one film like the did with Series of Unfortunate Events.
Just in case there are any doubts, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe was the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia, NOT The Magician's Nephew. Some of the box sets were organized chronologically according to the stories, not the order in which they were written.

Reading the Magician's Nephew first is a spoiler to LWW. It is also a spoiler to itself because it reveals where the wardrobe came from. That was a "light coming on" moment of that book for me.