starkist said:
Archerbear said:
Frankly, I haven't been impressed at all with Hollyweird's latest efforts (including Star Wars) - aside from LoTR and the HP films. Until I view LWW and see what makes it to screen (and what hits the cutting-room floor), "the jury's still out."
Ya know, sometimes there is just no pleasing some people.
Oh, I'll grant you that visually and cinematically, Star Wars III was a moviegoer's feast; it had a wonderful soundtrack and razor-edge technological superiority over nearly every other film to date...and I
did enjoy it for what it was -
but it could've been so much more!
It didn't have that "gut-punch" or the "man, I have GOT to go to the bathroom, but if I do I'LL REALLY MISS SOMETHING!!!!!" seat-glue that other films have.
Here's an example for you: in Star Wars, did you count the number of "light-saber duels over-a-long-drop-or-other-hazard-to-your-health" scenes? The repetition of that "device" - in that one film alone - was enough to distract me from the story ("oh, they're doing that
again"). When I sit in the theater, if something like that is obvious enough to distract me from the enjoyment of the film, the "device" has been over-used.
I guess in a nutshell, it comes down to this: Keep me interested and make me CARE about the characters, but don't cheat me by substituting "window dressing" and "flash" (stunning visuals and effects) for honest-to-goodness STORYTELLING.
starkist said:
Archerbear said:
I hope I haven't angered any of you, but that's how I feel. I want the movie to be as good as I hope it CAN be.
I think what you're saying is that you want the movie to meet your expectations. That was the same problem that happened when Lucas made the Star Wars prequels: Fans had spent twenty years imagining these movies, and when Lucas' visions did not correlate with their expectations, they came out disappointed.
Actually, what I said was, "...I want the movie to be as good as I hope it CAN be." What I've seen in the trailers has "set the bar" in my mind - and knowing the story I've loved for so long has given me appropriately high expectations -
based on the visuals I've seen. But, at the risk of repeating myself, I dearly hope the movie does a good job of storytelling; the rest (visuals, effects, soundtrack) is the icing on the cake.
starkist said:
Andrew Adamson and Walden Media are making this movie, and probably more, whether you like it or not. As readers of the book, we've all imagined them in different ways. It is your choice whether you like the movie or not. I say you may as well enjoy it.
I have a lot of respect for Mr. Adamson based on his previous works. I haven't seen LWW yet, though. As to whether "it is (my) choice whether (I) like the movie or not" - that's true.
To a point.
When someone reads you a story from a book, "you have the choice whether you like it or not." However, the
quality of the reader can make a world of difference; it's much more fun with a really good one, you know.