Why don't they make the film "The magician's nephew"

I think they are playing the in order of when they were written, the Lion,the Witch, and the wardrobe was written first. When I read the chronicles of Narnia, I read them in the order they were supposed to happen. My older cousin read them in order of when they were written. Personally I think when they make they make the certain movies in the chronicles of Narnia should be when they were soppused to happen. But, that's just me.
AslanJudah said:
I know chronologically MN comes first, but think of what a surprise you miss out on. How cool is it to find out later that Digory is the old professor in LWW! But if you read MN first you already know that.

AH DANG IT!!! Thanks ALOT!! You ruined it! RUINER!! I didn't know that at all.. BAHHHHH!!!! =D
WhatsAnAslan said:
AH DANG IT!!! Thanks ALOT!! You ruined it! RUINER!! I didn't know that at all.. BAHHHHH!!!! =D

Well sorry. That's the chance you take when you read in these forums. Also, when posting here, I am (I don't know about everyone else) assuming everyone has read all 7 Narnia books.

Sorry to ruin it for you but keep reading. All the books are great.

-The Ruiner :confused:
I agree with you, AslanJudah. People who haven't read the book leave the theater with a sense of curiousness, and they would read the books.

The Magician's Nephew would need a lot of special effects, and I read, what they would need to make all of that, won't be available for at least another 7 years.
AslanJudah said:
Well sorry. That's the chance you take when you read in these forums. Also, when posting here, I am (I don't know about everyone else) assuming everyone has read all 7 Narnia books.

Sorry to ruin it for you but keep reading. All the books are great.

-The Ruiner :confused:

:D :D :D IT was a Joke!! I was kidding!!
Kermit With Sword

It can't be THAT hard! just draw on the computer, a little filming, and done! :) okay maybe a little more, but C"MON. ALL OF YOU FREAKS ARE OVER-EXAGERATING! srry. sometimes i just gotta SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
but honesty, i can't be all that hard. don't forget, i will be back. WITH PETER THE MAGNIFICENT! also i got a sword! :p kay?
whoaa girl :eek:
waterhogboy said:
:eek: HOW DARE YOU!!! Its my favourite!!!!!!!!!

It's also the least movie makeable. The truth is it's very informative while being the least translatable into movie form. I wouldn't even say it's exciting, even if it is enjoyable.
Kermit With sword

Well if you dug up a hole and found a bunch of gold coins, would you take 1 or all of them? yeah you'd take all of them. that's the chance of how they'll make the magician's nephew, and those other great books, into movies. :)

Besides Narnia (with the help of other books) helped me write my first book, which i'm going to publish.
Tumnus With Sword

Yeah! i'm determind that they'll make the magician's nephew a movie.
I wondor if they'll girl who plays Polly will be sexy? :confused: i hpoe she is :)
Ha! just kidding :D
sort of! lol!

Last edited:
Tumnus With Sword

I'm just hoping she's sexy that's all!
sort of!

i gotta go so i won't be back for a while. bye
Tumnus With Sword

HEy everyomne! i'm back!
So anyway, i hope AT LEAST that the polly is cute! i mean she should be sexy, but at least be cute. :)

Polly With Sword

I see you! :)
Narnia Where are you?!.
Well i think polly plumber should at least be cute.
(next time you set a forum, plz put 0 if you think she should not cute. 1 if you think cute. and 2 if you think she is sexy. 3 is the best, becuawse it means you think, super sexy should be her look) :eek:
all my best,
Armed person.
Kermit With Sword said:
I'm just hoping she's sexy that's all!
sort of!

i gotta go so i won't be back for a while. bye

First, uh and gross

Anyway, I think the Magician's Nephew isn't movie material.
Daffy Duck With Sword

Do you have a problem with my fantasies?! :confused: :mad:
DO YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought not, i'm an ramed duck running from the weird guy yelling 'massa chop'

Anyway, I think the Magician's Nephew isn't movie material.[/QUOTE]

Yeah will ya what? :confused:
They'll make the magician's nephew a movie! i know it!!
And you know what polly sshould be like...
I asked aslan. he said so! :)

Hold On Dont Get Angry With Me
Its My Opinion

Kermit Whatever U Need To Take A Chill Pill
I Do Not Have A Problem With Ur Fantasies
I Just Think Its Gross!!!
Seriously Calm Down
Kermit With Sword said:
Well if you dug up a hole and found a bunch of gold coins, would you take 1 or all of them? yeah you'd take all of them. that's the chance of how they'll make the magician's nephew, and those other great books, into movies. :)

Besides Narnia (with the help of other books) helped me write my first book, which i'm going to publish.

Prepare for a long and difficult road. I know from experience.