Why don't they make the film "The magician's nephew"

Obi-Wan-Kenobi With Sword

Daishi said:
Prepare for a long and difficult road. I know from experience.
i'm afraid i don't quite understand.
i've chilled a little but my fantasies reign on. (and understand that i don't mean pornography. anyone who thinks i mean that is wrong!) :mad:
You really are an anxious fellow, aren't you? lol

I think The Magician's Nephew has always been an exciting book - what storyline could be better than to have a crazy lunatic queen from a desolated world suddenly enter in on London in the early 1900s? I long to see that in film.

I hope it would come out in theaters, but some here may be correct to say it may not do so well (as far as the money aspect goes). Perhaps it would be best to have it produced, with our beloved Tilda as Jadis yet again, but sent out immediately to store shelves the world over. In that way I think it may do much better in terms of money. I hope AA makes it soon!
Kermit With Sword said:
i'm afraid i don't quite understand.
i've chilled a little but my fantasies reign on. (and understand that i don't mean pornography. anyone who thinks i mean that is wrong!) :mad:

Publishing is not an easy venture. It's full of crooks, dishonesty, difficulty, sweat and tears. My book was revised three times in the course of a year before being ready for publishing.
Ugly Bowler With Sword

Thanks guys. i don't have time to write right bow, but i'll try again later.
(polly must be sexy! or AT LEAST cute!) i guess i really am an anxious fellow lol. :cool:

Sexy Guy With Sword

Hi guys!
I have time to talk, but i think we might be getting s LITTLE off the subject.
I'm positive they'll make the magician's nephew a movie (and make polly sexy/cute).
'cause they made the magician's nephew before, they can do it again. and why not?
LWW made lots of money. why wouldn't they continue? :confused:
i think the order of the movies (if they plan to do all 7) will be like this:

1)Lion, Witch, Wardrobe
2)Prince Caspian
3)Voyage Of Dawn Treader
4)Silver Chair
5)Horse And His Boy
6)Magician's Nephew
7)Last Battle
I saw a trailer for A Series of Unfortunate Events and saw him screeching like a buzzard and flapping his arms around. He played Count Olaf. It was funny in the trailer but it was out of character for Olaf. Jim could put that to good use in a MN movie.
The reason they did not do the magicians nephew first is because it wasn't written first. So if had been it would have been more well known i think.
The guy with a disabled mum, and a low income with sword

Another reason i think they didn't make the magician's nephew come first is respect. C.S. Lewis made the chronicles, LLW, Prince Casipian, The voyage of the dwan treador, the silver chair, the horse and his boy, the magician's nephew, and the last battle. That's why i think they're doing that.
(p.s. how do you get a banner to work? i can get them from the narnia personality qiuz but that's it. how else can i get them?) :confused: :confused: :confused:
that is a good question a lot of my frenz that saw the movie asked my the same question and i think bcuz for 1 LWW was made first by CS lewis and secondly most people when they read the series they read LWW first and i guess it's sort of like star wars they made the 4,5,6 movies then they came back and made the 1,2,3 so...that's just my opinion though
ESPN Game Reporter With Sword

i'll hae to agree with my first, and only belief. Polly should be sexy/cute though. if i get to AT LEAST auction for digory...maybe i'll get a look at the auditioning polly(s). :)