Why don't they make the film "The magician's nephew"

The Magician's Nephew

I read LWW first and went on from there. I loved reading it that way. I then decided to read it chronologically, starting with The Magician's Nephew. I didn't enjoy it as much as I did starting with LWW because I believe that LWW means more to children. It has creativity, imaginative language, and make-believe. I think they started with LWW not only because most people know what it is but because we are all still children. We want a world of make-believe. In LWW, Lucy and her siblings are playing hide-and-seek (a game in which anything can and will happen) where as in TMN nothing really out-of-the-ordinary happens. Sure...(I just forgot the names...and I can't find my book!! So, humor me!) fall into Narnia, have a bad uncle, and other "magical" things happen to them. But, I mean really who would actually sit down to watch a two hour movie of not that much make-believe? They will have a movie of "The Magician's Nephew" in due time. But, I think they did a GREAT job with starting with LWW! tehe! Valerie

*William Moseley is HOT!*
Gryphon: They come, your highness, with numbers greater than our own.
Sentry Centaur: Numbers do not matter in a battle
Peter: No, but I bet they help
I think it would have been good if they had made the Magicians Nephew first because it kind of explains how the whole story started. I think LWW was brilliant and probably more people would have to see that than the magicians nephew because LWW is more popular and well known.
Yeah, but you know how star wars started near the end and then back tracked to the beginning, well I think that's how they should do this. Like ... do LWW then PC the VDL or whatever that book is called, and then the next one, and then explain everything last with the MC.
There are numerous reasons why LWW was made first, many of which have been already stated.

Firstly, it is by far the most famous, and most marketable.
It is also the best story to stand alone in case the others where not made (the others were only ever going to be made if the LWW was highly successfukl. which, luckily, it has been), and it is the best story to stand alone.
It is the book that was written and pub lished first (even though CS himself has said reading them in order of narnian chronology is perhaps better, he hgas also said it really doesn't matter, but personally, i think the order of publication is the most rewarding and best).
LWW is the catalyst for the chronicles. Narnia did not exist before the LWW, the chronicles did not exist, they arose out of the LWW, it is the most important book.
Also, as has been said, the MN is a prequel and thus gives that film (if made) more weight AFTER the LWW and others

the order I beleiev they will be made has been stated, and i agree with:
They will most certainly make PC next, as it is the logical sequel

I am confident that they will all be made and we will be with the cinematic versions of the chronicles for the next decade or so, and i for one am very glad :)
Moved to the other-than-LWW Narnia movies section. Hunt for the White Stag.

Single With Sword

I think, that they made the right decision putting LLW first. I mean c'mon. if they made MN first then the person wouldd already have a fealing for the rest of the other movies. :D

How do you prove that you exist? maybe we don't exist
Number Guy (13) With Sword

:p I think that the guy who directed LLW made a good decision making it come first. i mean, c'mon. Why would they make MN come first. C.S Lewis would've wanted it like that. i mean, it's like taking the hobbit, and putting it first. they didn't even put it with the rest. would you?
georgeknarnia said:
the order I beleiev they will be made has been stated, and i agree with:
They will most certainly make PC next, as it is the logical sequel

I am confident that they will all be made and we will be with the cinematic versions of the chronicles for the next decade or so, and i for one am very glad :)

I must say that I agree completely with the order I believe the films would be made. A lot of people tend to forgot that pretty much everyone except for Susan is in that book, in one way shape or form, and they're all pretty "young" when they're there. (Don't wanna explain too much for people who haven't read it). So...at the time of LB Peter is in his early to mid 20s and Edmund and Lucy are in their late teens. If the movies get done fast enough, the actors can still pass for these ages by the time LB is filmed.
I think that since they didn't make MN first, it will be a bit odd to just put it wherever in the order of which the movies will be made. It will be kind of random. You have the life of Narnia after Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy got there and then towards the end of 'Narnia' you just put in something from the very beginning? Just strange. Unless before they did LB, they did a kind of flashback from Professor Kirk's (sp?) point of view. But other than that, I agree with the order you'll have said.
Vivi With Sword

I think that they'll make The Horse and his boy next. why? because ut's bascially the next book if you want to go in sort of correct order.

Despair = to be forgotten is worse then death... :(
The more I think abuot it, I think that The MN will be the haedest of the books to be done well in a movie. And I don't mean Visel efects wise. The book itself would be dificut to put onto the scran because so much of it is background wthich is fine for a book, but is hard to traslante onto film. Take chapter two, with is Andrew telling Digary about what has hapend to Polly. It is very inportnt for the stroy, but haw do you translate that to film and still mke it exiting. The climax for the book, Digary being temted by Jadis to take the apple home for his mothe, thats fine for a book, but again, for movie, if not done well, would be a bit lan. It would realy a lot n awesome se when Narnia is crated.
The next hareds t do well would be TVODT, becase again, it dose not have a climax which would translate well onto film.
Falling Asleep With Sword

I just think they'll make the movie in the regular order. (sniff)
sorry, i'm still recovering from a bad cry. (sniff, sniff)

Asleep = zzzzzz.

I'm really ot sure why they didn't do this movie, it was a really good book, and the movie would be good too!! But then again, they do not get into Narnia for a while!! They are actualy in London and Charn for most of the book and not in Narnia!! So, maybe that is why!! :p