You definitely proved your Willianiteness! Gold star for you!!
WILL NEWS UPDATE!: Okay, so new promo shots here:
And a few new scans of the PC Companion [I cannot WAIT to get my hands on that book!]:
And just in case you're too lazy to go too the site itself [

], here's the full interview with Will [translated from French]:
One : Do you think that "Prince Caspian" will be up to the expectations of Narnia's fans?
William : With "Prince Caspian", fans will see a major movie, more than "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe",the battles, the specials effects and the sets are more imposing than the first one. For example technicians reconstituted a life-size castle where we shooted an enormous scene of action. Moreover I think that the new script has a better quality than the other one. In general, "Prince Caspian" is a movie really adult, because in this movie, humans represent a threat and not magicals creattures..and it makes everything realistic.
One : Do you think that Peter changed in this new movie?
William : In comparison of the first movie, Peter obtains maturity but he discovered his "dark side". Peter becomes a man and he wants to be considered as such, so sometimes he can be brutal. He will understand that nobody can't have respect with this way of acting. You know, Peter can see Prince Caspian as a real rival, at the end in this movie he understands to be humble. About the emotional part, yes the movie "Prince Caspian" was fastidious.
One : It is said that the shoot of this new movie was...physical..
William : Yes. I made some stunts with a horse and bodybuilding, to have an imposing aspect. I was ready for this movie because I spent a lot of time in a home gym. That was very helpful, sometimes we shooted battles scenes until 3 a.m, so yes the training was important.
One : Do you get on well with Ben Barnes, who plays Prince Caspian?
William : No, not at all! On the set he was a real diva! He is an insufferable guy! [laughs] No, indeed, he is a really cool man and I am happy that producers chose him for Prince Caspian. Before hiring Ben, during the auditions, we met many actors for this role, and already at this time I was sure that Ben had something more than the other one.
One : You have visited many places during the filming, have you a favorite place?
William : New Zealand is the most beautiful country I ever visited. For "Prince Caspian" we shooted in an idyllic place named Glasswater Creek, there the water is so clear and we could see at 10 metres deep down.Magic! I loved too Slovenia where I did canyoning for the first time of my life, it is a dangerous activity but I loved!
One : So the character of peter doesn't appear in the next Narnia : The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, are you disappointed?
William : Yes, of course. During the filming of "Prince Caspian" I knew it was the last time that I was in one movie of the saga, but I tried to not think about it. I didn't want to lose concentration. During 3 years "Narnia" was all my life and even the second movie is not bring out, this unforgettable adventure is finished for me. Yes I am a little bit sad, now I know what Peter felt when he said goodbye to Narnia. But I know that awesome things are waiting for me in my career.
One : Have you others cinematics projects?
William : Now I am on holidays, I deserve them, I will surf with my mates. After I will go to Los Angeles for some auditions. I don't want to lose my career. I want to be an actor since my age of 10 years old, so it will not change. When I see the pleasure I take when I am on a set, I know that it is the good choice.