Williamites Thread III

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I loved meeting Will at the premiere and he's a great guy. However disappointed I was with the direction they took with his character, I still think highly of Will. I hated the script for PC as it pertained to Peter, but I can't change that and it wasn't Will's fault. Ah well, there it is.

You're soooooooooo lucky you got to meet him!!!
wow. i'd love to meet him!! i'm determined that some day when i become an actor i WILL be in a movie witih ... will. lol. haha. i'd love to costar in a movie with him...well...i'm happy for you. you're so lucky you got to meet him! did you tell him i said hi? hehe juust kidding.
he only said that because he doesn't know me yet.

:D hehe...oh i'm just kidding. i just really hope she's not boring and ordinary..i HATE it when i see a friend, hero, celebrity or ANYONE that stands out to me, settles for some girl that's just like all the other girls out there...a girl who has entrapped her real goofy personality just to fit in with everyone around her. but i can't imagine him with anyone like that. so okay ^_^.

besides..he can have another girl if he wants :P i only hope that i can be in a movie with him and act alongside him. THAT would be stinkin sweet!
hehe i remember on th commentary for LWW during the battle scene andrew said something like "i remember on set, will looked back at his girlfriend with this big grin as if to say 'look, i'm an action figure" and will was all like "you're not supposed to reveal that andrew!!" and andrew is like "ah, we'll just cut that out" .. but nope, they never did. lol.
hmm...i'm not sure. if he is then that probably means they're serious and then i'd just have to pout! hehe only kidding..half way..(oh come on! we can't all pretend that we wouldn't be sad if will went off and got married to someone else....i mean..that would ruin the chance of us meeting him in some impossible way that we've created in our dreams.lol...that's sarcasm by the way) hehe...okay now i'm just pokin fun at all of us....including myself hehe.

but really, i have no clue...i saw pics of him in a car all dressy with a blond girl from a couple years back...i wonder if that was her or not. she was cute though
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He DID say in a recent interview that he was viewing several scripts ... but we won't know until he signs on, will we? :p
*nods vigorously* I want to know if he has talent enough to play a bad guy! ... Because Will as a villian would be QUITE cool. :D
Ooooh....do you think he could do it? I think he might be able to pull it off, actually. I just hope he doesn't start doing lots of teenie movies. :rolleyes: :p
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