New member
lol! What a random thought. He can do one handed handstands.....maybe he can dance?
lol! What a random thought. He can do one handed handstands.....maybe he can dance?
Urgh, Mya don't ask!!!
The Skandarnites and the PaperB'nites are arguing apparently .... the PBnites were created when somebody was like "OMG MY PAPER BOY LOOKS LIKE BEN BARES" and that started a whole shabang about the paper boy ... so now he has a fanclub. And now [I guess] the "paper boy" can be anyone in your imagination, if you want him to look like Will, he does. You want him to be Ben Barnes, he is.
etc etc .....
heck!! if william can be my paperboy then sign me up!!!! i'll fight for this one til the end!!!...but if the paperboy can be ANYONE..than why don't the skandarnites make a skandar paperboy and then we can all live in peace!!! ...problem solved......oh.. but then we wouldn't have this AWESOME FUN WAR!!! lol+
lol Hi redroses or Aurora as your signature states. How do you know this?? lol