Williamites Thread III

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*laughs hysterically* I wish I had been there when they were doing all this with the music. It must have been so funny. :p
Williamnites...the Skandarnites are asking for your help in our war against the Paper boy'nites. Please all we are doing is posting super cute pictures of Skandar in their "I saw Ben Barnes" thread. If you guys could please join arms with us. You guys can post Will pics if you want. Please help the Skandarnites.
*Plays inspirational music* OR you could join us Paperb'nites. We have cookies, official titles, more fun, AND the hottest paperboy around. He can look like whatever you want him to look like. That's the beauty of it! He is the most beautiful person in the world (in your mind), and then some! As a Williamite myself, I ask for your aid in defeating the tyrannical Skandarnites.
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Haha no I think he means it literally! lol I can just imagine the whole cast lining up and doing the dance to thriller lol.

Well LWW was released here first so I think PC should have been too. Cos CS Lewis was British! But ah well.
Yo. Haven't been here in a while. What's this 'war' between the Skandarnites and Paperb'nites?

And just who is this Paper Boy? :eek:
Ahaha. Excuse moi.
I can see that Mrs. Pevensie & Hylian Princess both joined in '08, so of course you guys can't possibly know but .... us Willianites have been locked in a brutal and bloody "Tea vs. Converse" war since the Willianites and Skandarnites were created. We shall have to discuss this before we ally with the enemy. Thank you for your patience. ;)
Ahaha. Excuse moi.
I can see that Mrs. Pevensie & Hylian Princess both joined in '08, so of course you guys can't possibly know but .... us Willianites have been locked in a brutal and bloody "Tea vs. Converse" war since the Willianites and Skandarnites were created. We shall have to discuss this before we ally with the enemy. Thank you for your patience. ;)

LOL! I joined at the end of '07 (so I'm still considered new) and I've never heard of this war. Coolio!

EDIT: I LOVE the new pictures of Will . . . NEW PICTURES *drools*
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OMG yaaaa I saw those earlier!!! Sexy much?? :D:D

I think hardly anyone remembers the old days of TDL. It's like Narnia in Prince Caspian. :( All the people I used to know don't post continually anymore except for Ben and Crunchy.
LOL! I joined at the end of '07 (so I'm still considered new) and I've never heard of this war. Coolio!

EDIT: I LOVE the new pictures of Will . . . NEW PICTURES *drools*

Wow! The fourth one is my favorite!!

OMG yaaaa I saw those earlier!!! Sexy much?? :D:D

I think hardly anyone remembers the old days of TDL. It's like Narnia in Prince Caspian. :( All the people I used to know don't post continually anymore except for Ben and Crunchy.

Yah!! I don't think he's aware of how sexy he is.

I wish I could say that I was here in the earlier days of TDL but that would be a lie. I hope to make friends here though........
Hahahaha I luv the Fangirl description Tesse! Very true!
I can't wait to see PC on the 26th! I'm going to be there squealing in my chair even before it begins lol. And then when Peter comes onto the screen I'll be like 'OMGH!! ITS WILL, ITS WILL' then I'll porbably be kicked out of the cinema and banned.
Ahaha. Excuse moi.
I can see that Mrs. Pevensie & Hylian Princess both joined in '08, so of course you guys can't possibly know but .... us Willianites have been locked in a brutal and bloody "Tea vs. Converse" war since the Willianites and Skandarnites were created. We shall have to discuss this before we ally with the enemy. Thank you for your patience.

Eh, no problem. I understand :D

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