
About the picture...

Are you sure that's William Moseley? It looks more like his long-lost sister Wilhelmina to me. ;)

MGGT, I agree, you can't always judge a person by his hair, but sadly, we often put celebrities on such a high pedestal that they can't miss brushing their teeth one day without it being national news. :D (Mr. Green always brushes his teeth.) At one point, having long hair was seen as a sign of rebellion (and I still feel it's wrong for a Christian man to have long hair, but I doubt that that applies to Will), but now it often is merely going with the common fads.

bahahahha!!! Wilhelmina?!!??! :D
Classic, love it!

And agreed.
My mom said that too! She said that anyone over 18 is illegal... Oh, Justin... Don't move!! I have to catch up, 'baby'!!!! And Sterling... GRR! I hate being 13 when almost everyone in my class is reading driver's manuals and being 14... Stupid end-of-summer birthday:(
Ok guys, move over to William's hair. Maybe it's for a new movie. Just don't judge. I admit I often freak out, but I care about his talent and his personality. That's what fans should do!

Anyway, I love writing stories, and most of what I do are suited for William to do! I am currently writing stories, mostly about dark themes of life and even quirky ideas. Share yours, please! I'd love to listen to tons of them.
Good point! Maybe he is in a movie that he need long hair for! but i kinda doubt it. (who would want someone to have ugly hair in their movie?)
hahahaha, too funny.

I wonder when his movie comes out? It's so exciting! Being able to wait and squeel for movie information once more! It seems like so LONG ago that the last time Willianites could do that! YAY for MORE MOVIES! :D
I agree with daylewislove... We kinda do need to get over his hair. It's obvious he's not going to cut it until Ben Barnes walks up to him and says, "GET A HAIRCUT! YOU'RE NOT PETER ANYMORE!!!"

But anyway, I do miss being excited for seeing VDT because I thought they might have Peter in the beginning... That movie made me cry... :( And not because Will wasn't in there.
I made a Will banner!

We need new news... :(
I made a Will banner!

We need new news... :(

Ooooohhhh!!! :D I absolutely love the new banner, my friend!!! Great pictures too. ;) And yes, I completely agree about wanting new news on William. I keep checking wmoseley.com, but there hasn't been anything for a few weeks. It's my favorite site for William Moseley news. They seem to keep it updated better than the others.
Maybe we should do that at his house in LA, to get him to film his new movie.

Oh my gosh yes PLEASE! Let's go knock on his door and say, "Hey, we're your biggest fans. LET US IN!!" And then I'd run up and give him a hug and he'd be like, "WTF? Why is a 13-year-old girl hugging me???" And I'd be like, "Because I love Peter! Now let's go cut your hair!!"

Ah, daydreams... :)

And HKPM, love the banner!!! :D
And the police would come and be extremely frightened due to them being VASTLY outnumbered, and then we can take Will hostage...


now that's a plan! then we can find a pair of scissors and fix his hair.
and while I'm complaining about his hair, I was thinking yesterday that we do so much talking about how strange his hair is now. and I was thinking, what if he had a different hair colour entirely?! what if he dyed it?! so me and my crappy photoshop skills proceeded to make....

Will With Red Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :D
now that's a plan! then we can find a pair of scissors and fix his hair.
and while I'm complaining about his hair, I was thinking yesterday that we do so much talking about how strange his hair is now. and I was thinking, what if he had a different hair colour entirely?! what if he dyed it?! so me and my crappy photoshop skills proceeded to make....

Will With Red Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :D
