Wizards and Witches Academy

Jen lookeddown. "Look. I told you that I was fine so you wuldn't act rashley." she said. "Second of all, yes something is wrong. I know there is too. your....jsut like me. When I was here..." she said, but dropped the subject.

Jacob looked around and back at Jen. " Well Jen too late , im acting rashly now " he said looking at her arm. " And when they come back , Im going to be ready and Im going to fight. They killed all my friends at my old school Jen , IM NOT LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH THAT " he was screa,ing now. He felt sorry he did it , but it was too late for that now. " Once I get my wand , once they come back , Ill be ready "
Jacob looked around and back at Jen. " Well Jen too late , im acting rashly now " he said looking at her arm. " And when they come back , Im going to be ready and Im going to fight. They killed all my friends at my old school Jen , IM NOT LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH THAT " he was screa,ing now. He felt sorry he did it , but it was too late for that now. " Once I get my wand , once they come back , Ill be ready "

Jen laughed, and smiled at me. "Boy..you are a lot like me." when she saw his confused face, she laughed. "Just ask the Headmaster sometime. I'm sure he'll agree, and may tell you things about me..."
Jen laughed, and smiled at me. "Boy..you are a lot like me." when she saw his confused face, she laughed. "Just ask the Headmaster sometime. I'm sure he'll agree, and may tell you things about me..."

Jacob smiled a little. " I have to go to the headmaster now , he is bringing me to Ollivanders to get a new wand , ill be back later " he said , and with that he left the room. When he reached the headmaster , he was on a broomstick. " Jacob , get on the one beside me " he said smiling. Jacob mounted the broom and they took off into the sky. They passed the lake and the forbidden forest. They were flying for about a half hour later when the headmaster started to lower his broom , Jacob did the same. They finally landed oitside Ollivanders shop and entered it. Mr.Ollivander was standing beside a desk when the entered. " Ah Mr.Cromwell " he said looking at Jacob. " Let us try out some wands ". He handed jacob a wand that was very short , the handle was grey and the wand was black. It had designs in the side of it. He did not like this wand too much , but he tried a spell. " Wingardium Leviosa " he said and a nearby lamp blew up. " NO NO , NOT THAT ONE " said Mr.Ollivander snatching the wand. " Try this " he said. It was a very long black wand , with no designs , not even a handle. He gave it a wave and the window behind the desk containigng placs also shattered. Mr.Ollivander snathed the wand away from hi once again. Now he passed a nice wand over to him. It had a white handle and the wand was black. It looked about 11 1/2 inches. He gave it a wave and the wand lighted up. A small breeze filled the room and everything stopped suddenly. " This is the one " he smiled. After they had payed they left the shop and flew back to the school
inthe meantime, Madam Pmfrey came back, witha Healer. "Now, you remmeber this, right?" she asked, and Jen, wincing noded. "why that stuff? couldn't I se the Purple Healer instead?!" "no. this will work better." she said, and poured the stuff o nteh wound, a it began to bubble, she winced, holding back screams...
inthe meantime, Madam Pmfrey came back, witha Healer. "Now, you remmeber this, right?" she asked, and Jen, wincing noded. "why that stuff? couldn't I se the Purple Healer instead?!" "no. this will work better." she said, and poured the stuff o nteh wound, a it began to bubble, she winced, holding back screams...

When Jacob was back in the castle , he ran towards the Hospital Wing and ran inside. " Jen " he said as he ran in. " I got my wa- " but before he could finish he looked at her arm. It was bubbling and sizzling. " Oh god , whats that "
When Jacob was back in the castle , he ran towards the Hospital Wing and ran inside. " Jen " he said as he ran in. " I got my wa- " but before he could finish he looked at her arm. It was bubbling and sizzling. " Oh god , whats that "

Jen forced a smile. "Healer." she said. She looked back down to her arm, as smoke began to rise. Madam Pomfrey went to fetch a towel to wipe it off." I'm quite surprised I'm not used to it by now...." she laughed. "So, where's your wand?"
Jen forced a smile. "Healer." she said. She looked back down to her arm, as smoke began to rise. Madam Pomfrey went to fetch a towel to wipe it off." I'm quite surprised I'm not used to it by now...." she laughed. "So, where's your wand?"

" Here " he said holding up his new wand. " Its really nice , and its a little mor epowerful than my old one so I have to use it carefully. "

ooc- do you realize were practically the only ones who posts on this thread now :p
" Here " he said holding up his new wand. " Its really nice , and its a little mor epowerful than my old one so I have to use it carefully. "

ooc- do you realize were practically the only ones who posts on this thread now :p

ooc: Yup..and I've never been less confused in my life...LOL:p

ic: Jen nodded, looking it over. "It is nice. Ollivander out did himself..." she said.

"How are we doing, Jennifer?" the Headmaster said, wlking in.
ooc: Yup..and I've never been less confused in my life...LOL:p

ic: Jen nodded, looking it over. "It is nice. Ollivander out did himself..." she said.

"How are we doing, Jennifer?" the Headmaster said, wlking in.

When the Head Mater walked in , Jacob said bye To Jen and went to Charms class. As he sat down in a desk around the middle of the room, Proffeser Flitwick enetered. " Good evenign class and today we will be learning the safe charms. It is to protect you from dark magic. It is called the reverseral charm. He said with a little squeak. If a dark wizard casts a hex on you , you have to learn to reverse it, for example , a full body bind curse. You have to be able to say the spell in your mind and see if it happens and you defeat the spell. Mr Cromwell , may I use you as an example. " he asked looking at Jacob. Jacob walked down and Proffeser Flitwick walked infront of him. " Patrificus Tottalus " he squeaked. And a silver mist slithered out of his wand. Immeidently Jacob was still , he then fell to the floor hard. He tried to reverse the spell. REVERSERAL he said in his mind. Nothing happened. REVERESERAL he said again with alot of thought. Suddenly his arms and legs twitched and he was released. He stood up and smiled at everyone clapping and ceering fror him. He sat back down and daydreamed for the rest of the lesson while the other students tried to get out of Flitwicks spell

ooc- yea its not confusing at ll :p
When the Head Mater walked in , Jacob said bye To Jen and went to Charms class. As he sat down in a desk around the middle of the room, Proffeser Flitwick enetered. " Good evenign class and today we will be learning the safe charms. It is to protect you from dark magic. It is called the reverseral charm. He said with a little squeak. If a dark wizard casts a hex on you , you have to learn to reverse it, for example , a full body bind curse. You have to be able to say the spell in your mind and see if it happens and you defeat the spell. Mr Cromwell , may I use you as an example. " he asked looking at Jacob. Jacob walked down and Proffeser Flitwick walked infront of him. " Patrificus Tottalus " he squeaked. And a silver mist slithered out of his wand. Immeidently Jacob was still , he then fell to the floor hard. He tried to reverse the spell. REVERSERAL he said in his mind. Nothing happened. REVERESERAL he said again with alot of thought. Suddenly his arms and legs twitched and he was released. He stood up and smiled at everyone clapping and ceering fror him. He sat back down and daydreamed for the rest of the lesson while the other students tried to get out of Flitwicks spell

ooc- yea its not confusing at ll :p

ooc: LOL>:D

ic: Jen smiled at the headmaster. "I'm fine. thanks." she said, and he smiled. "usd to it by now, are we?" he teased, ans she laughed. "Yeah, but I still love it here...."
Jen also sat in class. After coming back from the Hospital Wing, a prefects class was in session, since all the Prefects were ata more advanced school, but the same school. "Now, to distinguish the comparisons and contrasts of a Fire Crab, first, you need to tell what kind of fire crab it is...." their Professor said. Jen, along with the others, scribbled down their notes, their head bent over their parchment.
Jen, after taking two pages of notes, as did everyone else, the Professor looked up, smiling. "I thin kthat is good enough for one day..." he said. "Class dismissed." he said, and everyone packed up their things, the Prefects heading to their rooms, others heading towards the grounds for their next class. "Hey, JEN! You got this next watch?" Eric, a Ravenclaw Prefect asked. "Yeah, you go on up..." she said, smiling. "Awesome. I'l lcatch the next shift with ya..." he said, and darted off....