Wizards and Witches Academy

" Thats good " he said smiling. Transfiguro! He chanted. Nothing happened. TRANSFIGURO he yelled again. The wtach gave a little twitch , but still nothing happenedn

Lilly furrowed her eyebrows together. "Oh I know." She said walking over. "You need to flick your wrist a little to the right like this: TRANSFIGRURO She said with a flick. The watch became a delicate little teacup. She murmured the contercurse and it became a wristwatch. "Surprising that I am only a second year huh?" She asked with small smile
Maree nodded. "Thanks. I'll be sure to find you." She opened the door and walked in. She looked around, noting her bags were mostly unpacked already. "I love magic..." she said quietly, throwing herself on to the bed.
Lilly furrowed her eyebrows together. "Oh I know." She said walking over. "You need to flick your wrist a little to the right like this: TRANSFIGRURO She said with a flick. The watch became a delicate little teacup. She murmured the contercurse and it became a wristwatch. "Surprising that I am only a second year huh?" She asked with small smile

Jacob laughed. He pointed at the wristwatch. TRANSIGURO he chatned , flicking his wrist. The wristwatch burst into blue sparks ,and in its place was a small , white teacup. " Thanks for the help " he smiled.

ooc- gotta go , cyah :D
Maree stood up off her bed. "Alright. Time to get this show on the road..." she muttered, walking over to the desk. She grabbed her messanger bag and strut out the door.
ooc: Spice things up a bit, shall we??:p

ic: Suddenly, two kids walked out, in a heated arguement. They were both 5th year boys, and both were shouting.
Jacob saw the two boys arguing. " Hey guys , calm down " he said coming between them. " Whats wrong with you , don't you know there are owls taking place "

One of the boys looked down at Jacob. "Shut it. This is none of your biusness..." he said, looking back to the other boy. Greg stepped towards them, laughing, but doing nothing, though he was a prefect.