Wizards and Witches Academy

One of the boys looked down at Jacob. "Shut it. This is none of your biusness..." he said, looking back to the other boy. Greg stepped towards them, laughing, but doing nothing, though he was a prefect.

As they walked away , Jacob frowned. " Oh really " he muttered. " Noone tells me to shut it". He pointed his wand at the boy. " Engorgio ". He chanted. Then the boy who told him to shut it started to blow up like a balloon.
As they walked away , Jacob frowned. " Oh really " he muttered. " Noone tells me to shut it". He pointed his wand at the boy. " Engorgio ". He chanted. Then the boy who told him to shut it started to blow up like a balloon.

"HEY! KNOCK IT OFF!!! KNOCK IT OFF!!" the boy yelled at Jacob, and his friend laughed. "Told ya you'r thick...." said the boy he was argueing with. Greg just continued to laugh, until he saw Jen walking up through the hallway, looking at the fight. "Hey! EXPELLIARMUS!!" he said, sending Jacob's and flying out of his hands. "KNOCK THIS ALL OFF!!" he yelled, lookign at Jen through hte corner of his eye.
"HEY! KNOCK IT OFF!!! KNOCK IT OFF!!" the boy yelled at Jacob, and his friend laughed. "Told ya you'r thick...." said the boy he was argueing with. Greg just continued to laugh, until he saw Jen walking up through the hallway, looking at the fight. "Hey! EXPELLIARMUS!!" he said, sending Jacob's and flying out of his hands. "KNOCK THIS ALL OFF!!" he yelled, lookign at Jen through hte corner of his eye.

Jacob ran to pick up his wand. When he picked it up and looked around , he saw Jen. " Oh , urr.. hi Jen " he said smilimg.
Jen, on the other hand, wasn't in the smiling mood. She looked around at the crowd of kids. "what's going on?" she asked, looking at the two boys, then at Greg. "well?"
Jen, on the other hand, wasn't in the smiling mood. She looked around at the crowd of kids. "what's going on?" she asked, looking at the two boys, then at Greg. "well?"

" They were fighting so I tried to stop them , then he told me to shut up so I used the engorgio jinx on him " said Jacob , looking down at the floor.
" They were fighting so I tried to stop them , then he told me to shut up so I used the engorgio jinx on him " said Jacob , looking down at the floor.


ic: Jen nodded, looking back to Greg. "And why didn't you stop any of this?" she asked, then looked at the boys. "Both of you. I catch you doing this again, you'll be spitting feathers for a week. got that?" she said, obviously mad. They nodded, walking on their way, in separate directions. Jen then looked at Greg. "Who should've stopped this! I was standing right over ther, and saw the entire thing! Why are you Prefect again?" she asked, and Greg just glared, walking away.
Jen sighed, her hand running through her hair. "These two could've beaten you to a pulp, first of alll, and even if it is for the right purpose, don't jinx anyone. You would get in trouble for it..." she said to Jacob. "Waht are your names?" she asked the boys, and they glared at her. "Dolohov. Arecto." they said, and Jen's eyes got wide, but she just nodded. "Off you go." she said sternly, and DisApparated right then and there.
She laugh.
" I all ready mate you you help me with my wand," she said looking at Jen then at George,
She crossing her arms glaring at Fred.
" Fred do you know what I would like to do right now,?'' she ask grabbing him by the arm left.