World Domination (Part II)

*uses materials gleaned from the slave mines to create universe-switcher*

*switches back to ordinary universe*

*destroys GKoN's alternate universe*

Now GKoN, please. FORMALLY, just tell me whether you're still allied with me or not. If you are, then we'll resume our former status. If not, then we will, I suppose, fight each other with everything we've got. If you refuse to tell me, I will launch a massive offensive against you.

But of COURSE! I would NEVER dream of breaking up DADBURNIT over my boredom...:D Just two allies horse playin's all... *Hides big fat mallet behind back...*
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He must have. Here, I'll give you a good rule of thumb. It's pretty simple:

1. Think of a country.

2. Assume that GKoN has invaded, attacked, or harassed said country at some point during his rulership.

3. Act on your assumption (however you may wish to do that).

You're pretty safe using that rule. :D *is trying to catch Derny AGAIN
*Bursts in n' shoves Olorin offa cliff* I'M BAAAAAAACCKK! Didja miss me?;) AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHILE I'VE BEEN AWAY??!

*Readies armies*

Oh...and I found the loveliest online game. Chu get to build a nation and attack people n' stuff...although personally I think they take the game WAAAAAAYYYYY too seriously O.o

and their forums are crappy...
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