Write a note to the person above you II


Carz has just reminded me that I like tea... But, it's supposed to be around 70 today... so... another time...

Dear Fernie,

Try cold tea. Preferably cold mushroom tea. Don't worry about whether the mushrooms in question are poisonous; you'll find that out soon enough.

Dear Fernie,

Try cold tea. Preferably cold mushroom tea. Don't worry about whether the mushrooms in question are poisonous; you'll find that out soon enough.

Dear Glen,

I have never had mushroom tea... Though, it is quite likely that I would like it, were it not poisonous, of course.

With Caution,
Gondōru No On'nanoko,

Hai, so it does. Probably because there's not been a lot of snow in the past few years here, even though it gets really cold and it rains all the time. Eh, maybe this year will be the year of the snow.

Ame No Kage

Snow is a guarantee around here. If it didn't snow I would be seriously concerned about global warming at last.

As it is global warming means nothing to me.

Dear GG,

Snow is a sign of global warming.

So is a lack of snow.

And call it "climate change." That's the appropriate term. Don't be a denier.

In your best interest,
With "interest" being defined by however I feel at the moment,

Please don't encourage her. She really doesn't need it.


P.S. I got excited when I saw you had posted. You should post more often. Like, post often enough that I don't have to get excited every time you post.

I'd like to see you try to eat us, ghosty.

Thorin son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under the Mountain