X-men with a twist

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Josh saw Sabertooth jump out of the kitchen and attacking people. The waiter Alex turned out to really be Mystique. She morphed into her blue form.

"Katie, I think they planned this. I think they want to kidnap or kill you!"
She looked at Josh " Grab my hand Josh," she told him, now freezing time " OK they can't do anything to us I wonder why they want me," she told him, getting a bit scared about this " OK you get the blue lady I'll get Sabertooth," she told him.
Mystique kicked Josh in the face and punched him. Josh threw a punch at her, sending her flying across the room. But she quickly got back up. Josh tried to knock her again, but she slid under his legs, turned around and grabbed his throat. She then started to choke him. "Please Stop! All I wanted was a Coke."

Mystique then spoke "Sorry Josh, but Magneto wants you, and I'm brining you to him. She then threw him against the wall, kicked him in the crotch, then gave him a final punch in the face. Josh was then knocked out.
Ah....what happened to our other mutants thread? :( If we don't "resurrect" that one...I might have to join this one.
OCC: When you finally get to a cell or something cas i be there and ill say they came to the school first and they couldt find you but they took some kids kidnapped and i was one??
As Sabertooth fought Katie Mystique dragged Josh to Magneto's seceret lair.
OOC: Someone need to be Magneto and Someone needs to be Mystique.
Okay I've decided to join. (That is, of course, if it's okay with everyone else) Am I allowed/qualified/able to join?
Katie looked around for Josh " What did you do to him?," she asked, still clawing him.

Magneto came to josh " Well well what do we have here," He said, with a smirk on his face.

OOC: Yes please do sis.
Toad was right next to him " What do you want me to do with him boss?," he asked

Maneto smirked " I don't want you to do him I want to see if he gots anything for us about Mrs. Kathleen," he told him.
"Oh really?" said Josh. "Well I've only known Katie for a day, so I really don't know much."
Magneto use his powers to make him chock " You are just a liar!," he told him

Katie ran to get the other X-man " Help they Kidnap Josh!," she told them, her claws came out.
OOC: Josh has no metal on him. How Can Magneto choke him.

IC: Josh transformed Magneto's clothing into ropes to tie him up. Once Magneto was tied Josh punched him.

"I don't know much about Katie! And Katie was in the restaraunt, so if you wanted her you would have got her not me. Its me you want! What do you really want with me? What are you trying to do? You need me for something, don't you?"
Lizzy suddenly rushed into the resturant, she had seen what happened in one of her vishiones but seeing as she didnt drive as fast as Katie it took her while to get there.

"Katie," she shouted, "I saw what was happening and came as fast as i could, i want to help Josh."
Magneto got really mad now " You fool you told me she wasn't there!," he told Toad

Toad just looked at him for awhile " I didn't see her boss," he told him

Katie came were Magneto lay out " I have to be quiet or they well hear me," she thought, now freezing time.
Suddenly an alarm went off! Magneto, Mystique, Toad, and Sabertooth turned around to see Katie begin to freeze the place. Before she could freeze it, all four attacked her and locked her in a heated room, so she couldnt use her ice.
She looked at them " Let me out!," she told them.

Magento laugh " Never I think you know what I need you for," he told her.

Katie rolled her eyes " No, I don't now tell me what you did with Josh!," she told him.
Josh stood up and smiled. "I'm right here. And I'm fine. But Katie, you should have listened to Jarod. I am dangerous, and I'm one of them." He nodded toward Magneto and his henchmen. "You see Magneto wanted me to let myself get kidnapped, so you would get captured while trying to save me. It was all part of the plan."
Katie shooked her head " No Josh you not one of them and you know it," she told him, with her claws " I'm jus glad my claws aren't made of ice," she told them.

Magneto laughed " I'm not scard of you," he told her.

Katie came next to Josh " Josh if you like me you well help me ," she told him.
Josh remained silent, and didnt move.

Sabertooth then came up behind Katie and knocked her out. They then tied her up in the "Ice proof" room. Magneto locked Katie's hands in a steel box that kept her from using her claws.

Magneto turned to Josh. "Well done. You have done a great service to the Brotherhood in helping us capture Katie."

Josh gave a stern look at Magneto "Don't think I enjoyed it. I feel bad for betraying Katie, but..."

"But you know it was the right thing to do and it had to be done." said Magneto.

"Right." said Josh in an unsure voice.

"The Humans have caused us much trouble. They want to destroy all mutants. Its a war. But mutants like Xavier and Katie are trying to save the humans from their much deserved judgement, and so they must be dealt with!"

"Your not going to kill her are you?" asked Josh.

"No," said Magneto " of course not! If I wanted to kill her, it could have been done easily long ago. No I want to use her. I want her to join our brotherhood. But she may need a change of thought. So I am going to wipe out her memory. Then I will train her to be one of us."
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